Differences In The Fat Content Of Milk

Differences In The Fat Content Of Milk
Differences In The Fat Content Of Milk

Dairy products and especially milk are one of the healthiest products in general. They are a valuable source of calcium, which strengthens the condition of bones and skin. Milk is the most valuable source of protein.

However, the concentration of fat is different in different types of milk. It shows how many grams of fat are contained in 100 ml of product. Here's what the different fat percentages in milk mean:

0.1% fat content. This fresh milk is obtained by skimming. With it, fats are minimized. The process only affects fats and does not reduce the presence of protein.

Milk with 0.1% fat is preferred by people who regularly visit the gym and those who want to lose weight.


2% fat content. Milk with 2% fat is the most common. It is suitable for daily use by both young children and adults.

Used in balancing nutrition and in some diets. It can also be used as a medicine, drinking one glass every morning.

3.6% fat content. This fresh milk is considered to be of the highest quality, as it is standardly obtained from special breeds of cows. It produces the best yellow cheese, cheese and all kinds of dairy products.

It is the most caloric and is not recommended for people prone to gaining weight. They can consume it from time to time, but not every day.
