Juniper - Chinese Date

Juniper - Chinese Date
Juniper - Chinese Date

Juniper, also known as finap and Chinese date is an ancient fruit tree, which according to historical data was known 6000 years ago. Juniper belongs to the genus Ziziphus, family Buckthorn. There are more than 50 varieties of jujube, but the most famous and useful is Ziziphus jujuba Mill.

Much rejected by the West, Asians and Europeans recognize the valuable qualities of jujube a number of centuries. As early as the 17th century, Gerard noted that Chinese date was an excellent remedy for all kinds of ailments, but especially for the lungs and kidneys. Juniper has been brought to our country since ancient times. Common varieties are relatively small, but very useful. The largest number of trees is in Stara Zagora, Varna, Burgas, Sliven and in some of the villages around Plovdiv and Asenovgrad.

The fruits of jujube are oblong, slightly brown with a shiny shell and stone. Juniper has a pleasant taste and high nutritional value. It is one of the four main fruit plants of China, where it occupies over 2 million acres.

The largest number of different varieties is in the homeland of jujube - China. They have been created mainly by the method of folk selection for many centuries. However, this fruit grows without problems in our temperate-continental climate. It can be grown both in the garden and in a pot at home as a small shrub.

Juniper is a tree that can live up to 300 years. It begins to bear fruit a year after planting. Its fruits are sweet or sweet and sour.

Chinese date
Chinese date

Composition of jujube

Small fruits are extremely rich in flavonoids, saponins, glue, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C and B2, minerals - calcium, iron and phosphorus. The content of vitamin C in jujube is 8 to 18 times more than in tomatoes and citrus and about 200 times more than the vitamin C found in apples, peaches and pears. Juniper is very rich in vitamin P, protein, malic acid, pectin, tannins and rutin. Juniper leaves contain a large amount of catechins, tannins, coumarins, vitamin B1, uronic acids.

Selection and storage of jujube

Choose nice red fruits, with a slightly shiny tint, on which there are no signs of injury. Store them in a dry place. If you buy dried jujube, you should also place it in dry and cool places that do not fall in direct sunlight.

If you want to plant jujube, no problem - take a few seeds from the fruit, but for added security, first put them in damp cotton to germinate. From time to time, find the seeds so that they do not mold. Already sprouted seeds can be sown in a pot or directly in the garden.

Juniper in cooking

Benefits of jujube
Benefits of jujube

The fruits can be eaten fresh, and then they bring the most health benefits. In addition, Chinese dates can be dried, used in jams and preserves, compotes and excellent homemade brandy. Due to the pleasant taste of the fruit, it is often used to mask the bitter taste of the pills.

Benefits of jujube

Each part of the tree is used for specific purposes in different crops. For example, the stone of the fruit, which is made of wood over 3 years of age, is used as an excellent remedy for abdominal pain and skin wounds.

The leaves of the tree are used to treat typhoid children because they cause sweating and stop fever. The heart of the tree is considered a very powerful blood tonic. The roots of the tree are used in the treatment of measles, chickenpox and as a strong stimulator of hair growth.

Juniper berries are a great way to prevent overweight, as well as to improve muscle strength and increase physical endurance. The bark of jujube used to make a solution that helps with eye inflammation.

In Chinese medicine, jujube is used as a tonic that enhances liver function. It has been scientifically proven that jujube helps to speed up the recovery of patients with cirrhosis and hepatitis. It is the Chinese who discovered that wild jujube fruits improve the complexion and skin.

Juniper berries
Juniper berries

Juniper reduces pain and panic and is highly recommended for insomnia, which is caused by physical weakness and severe mental fatigue.

Chinese date is recommended for the overall improvement of the body, regardless of what it suffers from - illness, stress, fatigue. It is a particularly good remedy for stopping respiratory flu or intestinal problems, accelerates the healing process, especially from the syndrome of complete exhaustion.

In modern Chinese medicine, jujube It is also used as a tonic for the spleen and stomach, against shortness of breath, severe weakness or emotional disorder caused by nervous problems. As it has a mild sedative property, it is taken to reduce irritability and stress.
