Breakfast Mistakes

Breakfast Mistakes
Breakfast Mistakes

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you miss it, your stomach will inevitably scrape, you will lose your energy and sense of concentration. In addition, skipping breakfast causes a lot of food during the rest of the day, which, in turn, leads to weight gain.

In addition to being mandatory, breakfast should also be healthy. Often, however, even though we have eaten the most commonly recommended fruit, muesli or avocado toast, we do not feel the necessary energy boost. This is because, despite good intentions, we still tend to make a number of mistakes when choosing food for breakfast.

The breakfast plate should be half full of fruits and vegetables, a quarter should be whole grains and a quarter should be protein. The most common reason for rapid starvation is the omission of important proteins.

Protein provides fuel to the body and is important for all processes in cells. Eating only carbohydrates for breakfast such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, bread inevitably slows down the metabolism throughout the day and leaves you hungry. Leaving protein soon after makes you stubborn and ready to eat larger amounts of food and in most cases - unhealthy.

There are other negatives that lead to the omission of protein at breakfast. During the meal at the beginning of the day, the human body can process about 30 g of protein efficiently. If it is not delivered in this time range, during the rest of the day the processing of this nutrient becomes quite difficult for the body.

Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast

Among other things, by skipping protein, you deprive your body of its proven benefits. A woman needs about 80-100 g of protein per day, and the exact amounts vary depending on weight and activity levels.

After all, to get your body protein for breakfast, you don't need to stuff yourself with fried eggs and bacon. One of the healthiest ways to get the protein you need is boiled eggs, cheese, nuts, yogurt, chicken and turkey. Other good sources of protein are legumes and seeds, hummus, soybeans and tofu.
