Mistakes In The Preparation Of Soups

Mistakes In The Preparation Of Soups
Mistakes In The Preparation Of Soups

Although most people do not distinguish between what is soup and what is soup and treat these two dishes as exactly the same, it is good to know that although soups and soups are similar dishes, they have one major difference.

This is precisely the fact that the soups must be stuffed, which is added shortly before the soup is removed from the stove. A typical example of this is the tripe soup, which is among our favorite Bulgarian soups, especially consumed with a glass of beer. However, here are the mistakes that can be made in the preparation of soup, whether meat, vegetable, etc.:

- Many housewives who have decided to prepare meat soup and do not have enough time, put the meat directly in hot water and cook the soup on a high heat. This can be very detrimental to the taste of the soup. In addition, if you want to get the most out of the valuable ingredients of the meat, it is good to always put it in cold water, and after boiling, reduce the heat. To make the soup tasty, it must be boiled slowly;


- Be careful when preparing the stuffing, because most of them add red pepper. If you allow it to burn, the stuffing will become bitter and will spoil the taste of the whole soup. Frying is done on low heat and with constant stirring;

- If you have decided to prepare the soup with building, it is better to use only egg yolks for this purpose. In addition, the build-up is done after you remove the broth from the stove and start adding less of it to the build-up in order to temper it. Once the building is warm enough, you can gradually add it to the soup, but do not forget to stir constantly;

- A basic rule in the preparation of soups, which is also valid for soups, is that they should not be prepared from marsh fish and birds, because they have the smell of sludge, which can not be removed even with the addition of countless spices;

- As the soups are fried, they are high in calories. Unlike soups, which are accepted as the first dish served in the entire menu, soups can be consumed alone, because they are usually much more filling than soups.
