Heck (Hake)

Heck (Hake)
Heck (Hake)

The hack, also known as hake, is an elongated and slender fish that has a spindle shape, prickly fins on the back, bulging eyes and a strongly protruding lower jaw. The head and back of the hake are steel gray and the belly is silvery white. The length of the hake reaches 75 cm and the weight up to 3.7 kg. In some specimens the weight can reach an impressive 25 kg.

They are known for 10 types of hake, which are named according to skin color - white, red, silver and others.

The main catch of hake is registered mainly in the Southwest Atlantic (Argentina and Uruguay); Mediterranean and Black Sea (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and France); in the southern parts of Africa, in the Southeast Pacific (Peru and Chile).

Due to overfishing of hake in the places where it is caught, a drastic reduction in the number of this fish is reported. Hake catches in Europe are already well below historic levels due to the depletion of fish in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. There are a number of reasons for this decline - environmental problems, unreported catches, catches of smaller fish, unsustainable fishing.

Undoubtedly the highest demand for hake is in Europe. Spain is the country where the most hake is consumed - the average annual consumption per person is 6 kg. The other European countries where more hake is consumed are Italy, Portugal and France.

Composition of hake

Heck soup
Heck soup

In 100 g fresh hake contains 87 calories, 308 mg of potassium, 83 mg of sodium, 15.8 g of protein, 0.4 g of omega-3 fatty acids, 2.2 g of fat, 0.4 g of saturated fat.

The composition of hake includes a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins, many minerals such as iodine, zinc, copper, manganese. Marine fish, such as hake, also contain many trace elements such as fluorine, iron, bromine and lithium.

Selection and storage of hake

The hack is one of the fish that can be easily found in larger stores. In the commercial network hake is offered mostly whole, fillet and fresh or frozen cutlets. When buying fresh hake, look for fish with shiny skin and pure white flesh that are free of scratches or black spots. The smell of hake should be fresh sea water.

Cooking hake

The hack is a very popular fish because of its delicious white meat, which is low in fat. The structure of its flesh can be tender or firm, and its color is pink. The huge advantage of hake is that its bones are small and can be removed without effort. Its aroma is more pronounced than other fish.

Hake is suitable for all traditional ways of cooking fish: breaded, baked or grilled, stewed and fried. It goes well with tomatoes and tomato sauce. The most suitable wines for serving hake dishes are Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay.

Hake is most often prepared breaded. We offer you a standard recipe for delicious hake bread.


Necessary products: 4-5 hake fillets, 100 g breadcrumbs, 2 eggs, frying oil, 2 tbsp. flour, pepper and salt

Method of preparation: The fish fillets are cut into larger pieces and seasoned with pepper and salt. The pieces of hake are breaded successively in flour, egg, breadcrumbs and again egg. Fry in very hot oil until golden. The breaded hake is served with lemon and garnish of your choice.

Benefits of hake

The hackLike all fish has a number of benefits. It is estimated that people who eat fish at least once a week will have a 50% reduction in the likelihood of vision loss after entering middle age.

There is also a strong link between fish consumption and heart function. Fish and fish oil are highly recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In hake, the amino acids that are good for the heart are numerous.

Among other things, its meat is rich in vitamins A, E and D. Hake is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. These vitamins are undoubtedly contained in animal meats, but in much smaller quantities.

Spanish scientists are conducting a study in which they study the caviar properties of many marine fish.

In the course of their research, they found that the highest concentration of the extremely useful omega-3 fatty acid is contained in the composition of three fish, one of which is hake. Omega-3 deficiency can cause hypertension, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and more.

Thanks to the consumption of fish, the body also reproduces the hormone serotonin, which is extremely important for mood and mental peace.

Hake meat is low in fat, which makes it an excellent food for people who follow diets.
