Is The Belly Useful?

Is The Belly Useful?
Is The Belly Useful?

The belly in our country is cooked from sheep, beef or pork stomach. Few people know that this traditional Bulgarian dish is actually popular in a number of other cuisines. For example, in Spain it is called mondongo, in Japan horumonyaki, and in Scotland - haggis. The differences in its preparation are minimal, but the richness of vitamins and useful ingredients is available everywhere.

Apart from being delicious, the belly is also extremely useful. Studies show that just 100 grams of raw tripe contains a minimum of 85 calories. In addition, however, it is rich in protein, fat, niacin, B vitamins and water, which makes it both useful and easily digestible by the body.

The presence of large doses of vitamin B12 in the abdomen promotes blood circulation, as well as good health of the nervous system. It maintains the levels of fatty compounds that isolate nerve tissue and transmit nerve impulses. It also takes care of the function of the red blood cells that carry oxygen.

Another important ingredient found in the stomach is choline. In 100 g there is about 220 mg of this substance - about half of the required daily dose. It is used by the body to transmit nerve impulses and to maintain tissues.


Promotes the production of acetylcholine, which has the role of a neurotransmitter that helps brain function. Other benefits it brings to the body are that it breaks down fat absorbed much faster.

The minerals phosphorus and zinc are also found in large doses in the abdomen. They are of particular importance for the cell membrane, phospholipids and protein enrichment. Both elements nourish the teeth and bones, as well as the overall state of the immune system.

It has been found that 100 g of tripe contains about 15 mcg of selenium, which is 25% of the recommended daily dose. The element is a major part of selenium proteins. They protect tissues from free radicals and support cell growth. In addition, saliva monitors the development and activity of muscle cells and at the same time maintains the function of the thyroid gland.

All this deservedly sends the belly in the column of foods from the traditional Bulgarian cuisine, which in addition to indescribable taste delight us with countless benefits.
