On St. Peter's Day, Consecrate Bread And Apples In The Church

On St. Peter's Day, Consecrate Bread And Apples In The Church
On St. Peter's Day, Consecrate Bread And Apples In The Church

On June 29 Orthodox Christians celebrate St. Peter's Day. Today is officially the end of Lent and special dishes such as St. Peter's Chicken are prepared for the holiday.

Petrovsky chicken is one of the obligatory dishes that should traditionally be present at every Christian table for St. Peter's Day.

For the dish you need 1 chicken, 125 g butter, 1 tsp. red pepper, savory, salt and pepper to taste.

The chicken is cleaned, washed, sprinkled with black and red pepper and salted inside and out. Bake until golden brown, pouring a little warm water or beer.

Petrovsko chicken
Petrovsko chicken

A special ritual bread called kolak is also prepared for the holiday. In different regions in Bulgaria the recipes for bread are different. However, the obligatory products for its preparation are flour, egg, yeast, salt, sugar and oil.

From this bread is carried to the church to be sanctified. On St. Peter's Day in the temple the early apples, called petrovki, are also worn. As the apple symbolizes the Garden of Eden, it is believed that the consecrated fruit will help the dead loved ones to enter Paradise.

The shepherd's cake or also called White man is among traditional dishes for St. Peter's Day.

The cake is made from milk, sugar, cheese and flour. The cheese must be fresh, soft and unsalted. Both the cheese and the milk must be sheep's milk.

The dessert is white in color and in some places is called a poor cake. Apart from being very tasty, the cake is also very useful.

Ritual bread for St. Peter's Day
Ritual bread for St. Peter's Day

Since from St. Peter's Day work begins in the field, the white dessert is prepared to have white flour after harvest.

Peter's fast, which began on the Sunday of Pentecost, ends on June 29. Peter's fast is usually about 2 weeks and is performed to honor all Christians who have been persecuted.

Peter's fast is not as strict as Easter and Christmas, and it allows the consumption of fish and seafood, as well as foods of animal origin such as milk and eggs.
