7 Quick Tips For The Health Of The Vegetarian

7 Quick Tips For The Health Of The Vegetarian
7 Quick Tips For The Health Of The Vegetarian

Most of these tips really apply to everyone, not just vegetarians. They may seem trivial, but they are tried and true and you will notice the difference in your health and energy levels.

Tip 1: Eat dark green vegetables at least 3 times a week

Broccoli, spinach, kale and the like - these food giants are full of vitamins such as calcium and iron. Do you hate spinach? Try drinking it. Green shakes are better than a cup of coffee in the morning and are really much healthier. Another thing you can do to get what you need from your green vegetables is to add a handful of spinach leaves to your salad. The salad made entirely of spinach is not very attractive, but mixed with your favorite red salad the result is much better.

Tip 2: Take a vitamin supplement that contains B12

Vitamin B12 for the health of the vegetarian
Vitamin B12 for the health of the vegetarian

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Or include nutritional yeast in your diet regularly, especially if you are a vegetarian or almost vegan. Vegetarians should not worry about vitamin B12, as you will easily consume a lot of it, but vegans should be careful and make sure they get enough B12. Many products such as soy milk are fortified with B12, but still consider other types of supplements.

Tip 3: Water, water, water

This is said over and over again for a reason - because it is true! Most people don't drink enough (and even if you think you're drinking enough, you probably don't). Carry a bottle of water wherever you go, because that way you will remember to drink more often. Water is especially important when adjusting to a new diet, as it will help limit the cravings you may experience.

In particular, drinking plenty of water helps prevent appetite before it even occurs. Drink more water than you think you need, and make it a habit to drink a glass of water as the first thing you do in the morning.

Tip 4: Eat at least 1 raw fruit or a handful of raw vegetables every day


This may seem like something you do, but even if we eat a lot of vegetables, many times we don't get fresh, raw food in our diet, which means we really miss it! You probably get a lot of fresh raw fruits and vegetables for a few days, but there are probably many days when you don't eat at all. Try eating an apple after the first water in the morning to achieve it. Or keep carrots on hand for a snack and include a raw green salad with your lunch each day.

Tip 5: Reduce your intake of refined sugar

As much as you love sugar, use its substitutes such as stevia and agave nectar whenever possible (such as in coffee and tea) and indulge in refined foods as rarely as possible. In the same way, try to avoid processed foods that contain corn syrup. If you start reading labels, you may be completely shocked to learn that this highly processed sweet junk has infiltrated almost everything from things that need to be healthy - like whole grain bread and even hummus - to almost anything that comes in a bottle., including salad dressings.

Tip 6: Keep your favorite salad dressings on hand

You are much more likely to eat raw vegetables when your favorite salad dressings are in the fridge. A little variety is great - try to keep at least two types - either store-bought or homemade at hand at any time.

Tip 7: Eat the rainbow

Vegetarian diet
Vegetarian diet

Fruits and vegetables contain various nutrients. One simple way to remember to eat a number of vitamins and minerals is to change the colors of the fruits and vegetables you eat. Of course, greens are always good, but try eating rainbow tomatoes, yellow pumpkin and purple cabbage!

This is one thing we often need to remind ourselves of, as we often get into eating habits and do not always diversify them. You may be making your green salads almost the same way all the time, but you really need to mix them. Thinly sliced leeks, chopped boiled beets, peppers of all colors and grated carrots are great as a complement.
