Dash Diet

Dash Diet
Dash Diet

Table of contents:


The Dash diet is specially designed to control blood pressure levels. Recommended for people with hypertension and pre-hypertension. In addition, it has a good effect on people with problems with cardiovascular and lung health.

Initially, this diet gained popularity among Americans with similar diseases. Today, the Dash diet is recognized as a real healing method.

The Dash diet was created by a team of nutrition experts, endocrinologists, cardiologists and others, even psychologists. They analyzed 29 occupational regimens for their effect and safety on health in their application in the short and long term.

The diet includes in its menu mainly fruits, vegetables, low-fat and non-fat products. On the other hand, the salt content in it is limited to a minimum. The intake of oils, red meats, sweet products is also limited. In this way, the amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol consumed are negligible.

Dash diet
Dash diet

The specified diet is applied for 14 days for visible results. It works best in people with moderately high blood pressure, as well as in those with pre-hypertension. In people with more severe hypertension, the Dash diet helps to better respond to drug therapy, thus again reducing blood pressure.

Daily menu:

The daily menu has a caloric intake of 2,000 kcal per day. It should be varied and with a controlled amount of food ingested.

Up to 4-5 servings of vegetables. Thus, the emphasis is on the intake of fiber and vitamin C. The best for this purpose are broccoli, green leaves, carrots, tomatoes and others.

Up to 4-5 servings of fruit. In addition to fiber, they also absorb magnesium, potassium, other minerals and vitamins.

Up to 6-8 servings of cereals. Spaghetti, rice, bread, cereals are recommended. One serving means half a slice of bread, half a bowl of spaghetti, rice, cereals, 30 g of dried oatmeal.

Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure

Up to 2-3 servings of low-fat or skim milk products. They are rich in calcium, protein and vitamin D. Cheese, yogurt or milk are best.

Up to 6 servings of lean meat, chicken or fish. These products provide protein, B vitamins, zinc, and other beneficial nutrients. The portion is equal to 30 g of each product.

Up to 4-5 servings of nuts, seeds and legumes. The best are - sunflower seeds, beans, lentils, peas, almonds, peanuts and more.

Up to 2 3 servings of oils or other fats. That is - up to 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, butter or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing.

Up to 5 servings of sweet products per week. Each is limited to a glass of soft drink, 1 tablespoon of sugar, jam or marmalade.

The Dash diet not used to reduce weight, although it also has this result. It is used mainly to reduce blood pressure.
