The Packaging Of All McDonald's Products Will Have A New Design

The Packaging Of All McDonald's Products Will Have A New Design
The Packaging Of All McDonald's Products Will Have A New Design

In the United States, McDonald's products now have a whole new look. The design change is forthcoming in all 36,000 restaurants of the fast food chain in 2016.

The new type of the familiar burgers and fries will be cleaner, which the company hopes will look more progressive and modern, McDonald's said on its official website.

The fast food chain is giving up red, yellow and white, which has been their emblem since the 1960s. The inscriptions will be replaced by bright orange, turquoise, green and purple, and the white paper will now be brown.

As early as 2015, McDonald's began introducing green in the packaging of its products. With this color, the company seeks to show that it is already moving towards a healthier type of fast food.

When the company was established, it was decided that the colors of the products would be red and yellow as a fast food association.


The change of design is just one of the steps of the fast food chain, with which they are trying to update their brand. The changes began after the company suffered heavy losses due to rivals Honest, Byron, Five Guys and Shake Shake.

In 2014, McDonald's revenues fell by 1%, and the most critical year for them was 2013, when they suffered losses of 2% or $ 27 billion.

These figures were among the worst for the company in recent years, and last year sales fell to 2002 levels, the Financial Times reported.

Due to the dramatic decline in demand for McDonald's products, the company also announced that it will reduce the number of its restaurants around the world.

Last year, 59 outlets in the chain closed in the United States alone, with more restaurants closed than opened for the first time in 45 years.
