Retail Chains Make The Most Money From Milk

Retail Chains Make The Most Money From Milk
Retail Chains Make The Most Money From Milk

The chairman of the Association of Milk Processors - Dimitar Zorov, said that the most profitable from the sale of native milk are not the producers or processors, but the retail chains that offer it.

In the morning block of Nova TV, the expert said that traders in our country make a serious markup on a liter of milk. According to him, the transport of the raw material from producer to processor costs at least 5 stotinki and at most 8 stotinki per liter.

The production costs for boiling and pasteurization of milk are between 17-20 stotinki per liter, depending on the boiling temperature, which can be between 90 and 170 degrees Celsius.

The transportation of one liter of milk from the producer to the retail chains costs from 7 to 10 stotinki. Between 20 and 30 stotinki are spent on packaging, says Zorov.

The price so far is 1.10 for one liter of milk. To this value, however, must be added the mandatory VAT, which determines the final price of an average of BGN 1.32 per liter.


But the milk that we actually buy from grocery stores seriously exceeds this value, and this, according to Zorov, is only due to the mark-up of the specific chain.

The markup is at least 40-50%, which shows that retail chains earn the most from the sale of milk, but they are unlikely to confirm it - added the chairman of the milk processors.

The bonus that the chains in our country add is spent on advertising, salaries and development of the retail chain. Zorov added that the price of milk is currently determined on the principle of 1: 3.5, which is not fair for both producers and consumers.

The expert says that in Bulgaria there is overproduction of milk and even a surplus of dairy products, although producers in our country receive the least subsidies from the European Union.

We have a lot of repackaging of products and this is a gross fraud, says Zorov. According to his observations, a liter of milk, which sells for less than 40 stotinki, is of poor quality.
