Donat - An American In The World Of Sweets

Donat - An American In The World Of Sweets
Donat - An American In The World Of Sweets

Decorated with glaze, jam filling, cream or chocolate, the donut is among the most popular delicacies in the world of sweets. The big screen immortalized him in the hands of Homer Simpson, and he has been the emblem of confectionery in Uncle Sam's country for years. But is he American in origin? Not really…

The donut is as American as the french fries are Belgian, the sarma is Romanian or the Turkish pie. An eternal battle of pretensions that can be seen in almost every corner of the world.

Donut, in English "doughnut", means "dough" (dough) and nut (nut) and has a very complicated history. It leads to Dutch immigrants to America, the French, Indians, Arabs and even Russians. Hell of a mess, really. But one thing is for sure, the donut was born several thousand years ago. Seasoned with honey or fish sauce in the homes of the ancient Greeks and Romans, in the Middle Ages the favorite donut gradually came to the Arab countries to settle later in Northern Europe.

If tradition is to be believed, the donat's great-grandfather must have been born in Dutch cuisine. At that time, in the 12th century, they prepared "olykoek" - a slightly difficult to pronounce name, which meant "oil cakes". And nothing more. No holes, no glazes.

eating a donut
eating a donut

IN the beginning of the donut is just a big ball that is usually eaten for Christmas. After immigrating to the United States, the Dutch are confronted with the cultures and traditions of other immigrants, but this is no reason to abandon their recipes. And the "olykoek", still in the form of a ball, gradually began to spread throughout "New Holland".

And when does the famous hole in the even more famous donut appear? And here the versions are divided. Some researchers of the delicious cake actually believe that it was born before the creation of olykoek, others, and most of them, claim that the "perforation" happened later, and the man who invented it was called Hanson. Gregory.

He was the captain of a ship from New England and lived in the mid-19th century. According to official history, the young man drilled a hole so that the cake, which until then had remained raw in the middle, could be fried whole, filled with walnuts in the middle.

Whatever the truth about the legendary hole, the donut it is fast becoming the national pastry of the United States. And even more - in a patriotic cake. It can be found on the battlefield during the First World War.

American donut
American donut

American volunteers, also called Donut Girls, distributed the famous cake to US Army soldiers fighting in France. A similar episode was repeated during World War II, when Red Cross women, this time called Donut Dollies, supported soldiers with donuts.

Adored east and west of the Atlantic, the donut takes root finally into American reality in 1920, thanks to an immigrant, a Russian Jew. Adolf Levy gives the first economic impetus for the development of the cake. It is to him that the world owes the first automated donut machine.

Today, donuts are not only part of American cuisine, but also an integral part of European cultures. But it delights people all over the world.

And if you are fed up with donuts, take a look at our recipes for donuts. Sometimes you have to pamper yourself.
