Are Chips Really Harmful?

Are Chips Really Harmful?
Are Chips Really Harmful?

Potato chips are without a doubt one of the most harmful foods. It is a packaged chips that contain a huge amount of fat and calories. If you eat a packet of chips every day, it is like taking 5 liters of oil in one year. Imagine what you are doing to your whole body!

It is also important to know that in the fat in which potatoes are fried for chips, there is often rancid oil, which leads to various inflammations in the human body. They, in turn, are the cause of cancer, heart disease and other diseases.

In addition to fat, chips also contain a carcinogenic substance called acrylamide. This substance is formed while frying potatoes at high temperature. Acrylamide causes cancer. It can damage our DNA. Daily consumption of chips can also lead to gastritis. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with vulnerable stomachs.

Years ago, chips did not contain so much chemistry, but today the situation is uncontrollable. Packaged chips are full of dangerous components that make people addicted. This is especially dangerous for children whose menu is not monitored by parents.

Obesity is perhaps the least significant damage from chips, but it is still important to note. In itself, the problem of obesity, especially in children, is serious and leads to various diseases.


Consumption of chips on a daily basis can lead to an imbalance in the organs in children. In addition, harmful substances and additives affect the nervous system of children. Too much salt, and fried salt, leads to vision impairment and cancer. Also, the saturated fat in the chips leads to poor concentration and memory problems. The most affected, of course, are the teenagers.

In pregnant women, the consumption of chips is compared to smoking throughout pregnancy. It can lead to fetal harm and even abortion. So we all need to think very carefully before reaching for the chip shelf in the store next time!
