Play Tetris To Lose Weight

Play Tetris To Lose Weight
Play Tetris To Lose Weight

Everyone knows that when following a diet, in order to have a better effect, there must be physical activity. We can do the exercises at home, after we open our eyes, we can run in the park, ride a bike, go to the gym, sign up for dancing, etc. There are thousands of ways to keep fit through exercise and sports.

It turns out that following a diet and exercising is not enough. We can help and speed up the process of losing weight only with the help of Tetris.

Play Tetris in just three minutes and it will distract you from the thought of hunger. Scientists believe that classic games, such as Tetris, distract a person from his desire for food and he stops imagining any delicacies.

Specialists came to this conclusion after conducting a study in which several volunteers took part. They were all asked to rate their hunger on several different criteria - duration, obsession, and strength.

One part of the volunteers played Tetris for three minutes, while the others waited for the game to load. The results of the study show that those who actually played the game experienced 24 percent less hunger than people who ultimately failed to play.


The study was conducted at the University of Plymouth and, according to scientists, the study is useful not only for those who want to lose weight and follow a diet, but also for people who are trying to quit smoking or alcohol.

The head of the study, Professor Andrade, explains that in fact the obsessive thought of hunger lasts only a few minutes. Through them one thinks what one can eat and how satisfied and happy one will be afterwards. Often these thoughts lead to the consumption of something that one abstains from.

Playing Tetris will prevent your brain from imagining such pictures, and without images in your mind, desire and hunger will quickly disappear, said Prof. Andrade.

Tetris was founded in 1984 in Moscow, and the inventor of the game in Alexei Pazhitnov. In just five years, the game has become popular around the world - nowadays more than 170,000 copies of Tetris have been sold.
