An American Keeps 750 Pizza Boxes From 45 Countries

An American Keeps 750 Pizza Boxes From 45 Countries
An American Keeps 750 Pizza Boxes From 45 Countries

The unusual collection is kept by the American Scott Einer - he has over 750 boxes of pizza, which he has collected from countries around the world. Scott has amassed his collection for more than 15 years and claims the boxes were collected from 45 countries. One of them was created and signed by tattoo artist Ed Hardy.

In fact, Scott is a true pizza salesman and even has his own company touring the best pizzerias in New York. Very recently, the American collector has published a book about works of art that can be made on the most ordinary cardboard boxes of pizza.

He told the Mirror newspaper that his obsession began in 2000. Then Scott started touring the best pizza places, and when he got home, he started taking his friends to different pizzerias. The American explained to them about the ovens in them and the history of each restaurant in general.

When he was 26, Scott rented a bus and began touring with it, explaining to passengers the intricacies of making pizza. Half a year later, the young American became a true professional guide to pizzerias.

Pizza box
Pizza box

Scott admits that he would never refuse to try a new type of pizza, but still tries to limit himself and eat up to 15 slices a week to avoid obesity. The entire collection of the American is in his apartment, which is located in the Brooklyn neighborhood, New York.

The collection has boxes from different parts of the world - Brazil and Italy, India, Israel. Not all of them, however, Scott collected directly from pizzerias. Some of the boxes are really unique and, of course, as a collector Scott has a favorite box.

She is with the Simpsons - he says he found her dumped in a trash can in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam.

Scott is now part of the Guinness Book of Records as the man with the largest collection of pizza boxes in the world.
