Cardboard Pizza Boxes Are Dangerous To Health

Cardboard Pizza Boxes Are Dangerous To Health
Cardboard Pizza Boxes Are Dangerous To Health

They bring us pizza in poison boxes. A team of US scientists has warned about this, who for several years have studied the materials in which the most home-ordered dish in the world is packaged.

The result of their experiments was shocking. They have found that the cardboard boxes in which the delicious pizza is sold and delivered can be extremely harmful to health.

This is due to the chemicals in the class of perfluorinated compounds found in them, which have a detrimental effect on the human body.

These compounds do the most damage to the brain. They manage to penetrate it through the blood-brain barrier and can cause a number of neurological symptoms.

It is especially dangerous when poisonous chemicals enter a pregnant woman's body. They cross the placenta and can cause irreparable damage to the fetal brain.

A number of studies have shown that perfluorine compounds can not only damage the brain, but can also cause cancer, liver damage or impaired immune function.

But these perfluorine compounds are not only dangerous to human health, they can also cause great damage to the environment, as their decomposition takes much longer than usual.


The investigation by US scientists is in line with a study conducted by Danish scientists on the content of harmful substances in fast food boxes. Danish scientists have paid special attention to the materials from which the packaging of burgers, pizzas and popcorn is made.

They, like US scientists, have found that packages contain PFAS or perfluorine compounds. They found something even more frightening.

These harmful compounds become particularly active after being exposed to microwave radiation. They are adamant that regular consumption of such foods directly from the carton can increase the risk of miscarriage by as much as 16 percent.

Following the scientists' findings, a global company has been launched to tighten control over the production of packaging for the food industry.
