The Most Common Misconceptions About Eggs

The Most Common Misconceptions About Eggs
The Most Common Misconceptions About Eggs

Oddly enough, it is not always easy to choose eggs. At first glance, you should just reach for the egg stand. But they are so many species that you often wonder which one to choose.

Here are some common misconceptions about eggs. The most popular is that brown eggs are different from white ones. According to some, whites are much more useful.

The only difference between them is in the color of the shell, which depends only on the breed of hen that laid them. It often happens that white hens lay white eggs and dark hens lay brown eggs.

There is no difference in the nutritional qualities and taste of these eggs. Another common misconception is that good eggs are only from hens that walk in the fresh air.

However, the facts show that the analysis of the egg can hardly determine whether the hen that laid it has ever seen daylight in its entire life.

Boiled eggs
Boiled eggs

Another issue is that hens that have eaten grass and insects lay eggs that have much higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E.

There is also a widespread myth that egg substitutes are the same eggs, but without the shells. The fact is that many egg substitutes contain stabilizers, thickeners, vitamins, carotene and spices.

In addition, they are much more expensive than real eggs. But if your health does not allow you to eat eggs, their substitutes are very useful.

However, you must carefully read the label of the product you intend to buy. Because if you think egg substitutes and egg powder are the same thing, you're wrong.
