Check Out The Typical Dishes That Grandmothers Around The World Cook For Their Grandchildren

Check Out The Typical Dishes That Grandmothers Around The World Cook For Their Grandchildren
Check Out The Typical Dishes That Grandmothers Around The World Cook For Their Grandchildren

No matter where in the world they are, the goal of all grandmothers is for their grandchildren to be full. There are typical dishes around the world that grandmothers most often prepare, just as our grandmothers most often delight us with their homemade mekis and pies.

Inspired by the idea of presenting the most typical grandmother's dishes in different parts of the world, photographer Gabriele Galimberti traveled to dozens of countries and composed the exhibition Delicacies with Love.

In it, grandmothers from different countries show which are the favorite dishes they cook most often for their grandchildren. The photos show older women before and after they have prepared their culinary creation.

Photographer Gabriele's grandmother herself gave him the idea for a world tour to document his grandmother's secret recipes around the world.

The Italian says that before each trip his grandmother always arranges a farewell for him, preparing his favorite ravioli.

So Gabriele Galimberti decided to show which are the most read dishes of the grandmothers in different parts of the planet.

1. Philippines - kinun, which is a coconut soup with shark meat;

Check out the typical dishes that grandmothers around the world cook for their grandchildren
Check out the typical dishes that grandmothers around the world cook for their grandchildren

Photo: boredpanda

2. Malawi - finkubala - these are caterpillars cooked with tomato sauce;

3. Cayman Islands - roasted iguana with a garnish of rice, beans and bananas;

4. India - chicken vindalu;

Check out the typical dishes that grandmothers around the world cook for their grandchildren
Check out the typical dishes that grandmothers around the world cook for their grandchildren

Photo: boredpanda

5. Latvia - silke, which is herring with potatoes and cottage cheese;

6. Sweden - incort, which is spread salmon garnished with vegetables;

7. Armenia - tolma - a dish that strongly resembles vine sarma, but necessarily with beef;

8. Haiti - seafood delicacies in Creole sauce;

9. Morocco - bat bot, which is bread baked in a pan;

10. Italy - ravioli with spinach and ricotta in meat sauce;

11. Lebanon - mjadara, which is a cream of lentils with rice;

12. Canada - bison meat in sauce, and the dish is called bison under the midnight sun;

13. Bolivia - questo hammock - a dish of vegetables and fresh cheese;

14. Egypt - kuoshri, which is a pie of beans, pasta and rice;

15. Ethiopia - curries and vegetables;

16. Argentina - Assado in Creole;

17. China - pork with vegetables;

18. Brazil - shrimp with rice and garlic sauce;

19. Georgia - kinkali, these are buns stuffed with pork and beef;

20. Indonesia - coconut soup with beef and vegetables;

21. Kenya - mboga and plow, which is a dish of corn, vegetables and goat meat;

22. Mexico - tamale - cornbread wrapped in banana leaf;

23. Zimbabwe - sadza, which is a dish of corn flour, pumpkin leaves and peanut butter;

24. Turkey - imambayaldı;

25. Thailand - omelet with rice;

26. Spain - asadura de cordero, which is a dish of lamb trifles and rice;

27. Iceland - lamb and vegetable soup;

28. Norway - soup with beef and vegetables;

29. Zanzibar - wali, which is a dish of fish, rice and mango sauce;
