Apricots Are Food For The Brain

Apricots Are Food For The Brain
Apricots Are Food For The Brain

The homeland of apricots is considered to be the area of eastern Tajikistan and northern Pakistan, at the foot of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Ancient chronicles show that the ancient Tajiks were the first to grow the fragrant and extremely useful fruit.

Today in the mountains of northern Pakistan are still grown apricots of the Hunzi people, which is known for the fact that none of its members suffer from diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, cancer, high cholesterol, gout. Apart from that, all Huns, old and young, have perfect eyesight, which does not deteriorate with age. Scientists explain this phenomenon with the frequent consumption of apricots.

Studies on the effects of the consumption of the aromatic fruit on the body show that it is a kind of pharmacy containing many useful substances and vitamins. In the first place, apricots work extremely well in anemia.

They are rich in iron and thus are a perfect way to deal with anemia. Studies have shown that 100 grams of fruit have the same effect as 250 grams of liver. This is due to the presence of cobalt and copper in apricots, which provoke the faster formation of white blood cells.

Apricots are also food for the brain. They stimulate its activity due to their high content of phosphorus and magnesium. The combination of these two elements actually makes us smarter.

This does not exhaust the useful qualities of the fruit. It helps against cancer and blindness. Its nuts contain high levels of vitamin B17, which is also known as amygdalin. In recent years, a number of leading oncologists have recommended the use of this type of vitamin for the prevention of cancer, as well as in therapies for its treatment.


It is important to know that nuts should be eaten roasted. Experts from the American Cancer Society say that high levels of carotene in apricots reduce the risk of cancer of the larynx, esophagus and lung.

The presence of beta carotene in aromatic fruits improves vision. This type of protein is transformed into vitamin A once it enters the body. The vitamin is involved in the composition of visual purpura and the formation of skin and mucous membranes. In addition to vision, vitamin A is good for the eyes, hair, skin, gums and glands, and also strengthens our immune system.

Apricots also help against joint pain due to their high calcium content, which makes them an excellent tool in the prevention of osteoporosis.
