See What The Girl Who Has Never Tried Sugar Looks Like Now

See What The Girl Who Has Never Tried Sugar Looks Like Now
See What The Girl Who Has Never Tried Sugar Looks Like Now

The food that modern retail chains offer contains so much processed sugar and preservatives that it is almost impossible to always eat healthily. However, there is a way to avoid all these dangerous ingredients and to take only organic products. Such is the case with little Grace Cooper, who is two and a half years old and has never eaten a single gram of sugar in her life.

The girl has been on a paleo diet since she was born, and for this reason, after breastfeeding, she has mainly eaten fruits, vegetables and meat in their purest form. It is sweetened with fruit, but has never tasted chocolate, a cookie or other dessert with processed sugar.

Grace's diet was chosen by her mother Shan, who is a well-known fitness instructor. As soon as the baby was born, Mrs. Cooper and her husband decided that their heiress would not touch modern foods, and two years later the result of their decision was obvious: Grace was growing up an alert and agile child with a strong immune system.

However, raising a child in such conditions is not an easy task. Grace's mother admits that she often spends her day in the kitchen to provide her with all the vitamins and minerals she needs. However, when he sees the smile of his healthy child, he forgets about the fatigue.

Parents should be excited about their child's menu. Yes, there is indeed a wide variety of specialty baby products on the market, but research shows that even they contain preservatives and processed sugar. So you should not blindly trust them. It is best to personally prepare the food for your little one, advises Shan.

She is aware that when Grace grows up, he will not be able to protect her from all harmful temptations and will have to leave her alone to make her own choices about her menu. Until then, however, he will try to keep her away from them.
