Hala - The Fruit That Looks Like The Earth

Hala - The Fruit That Looks Like The Earth
Hala - The Fruit That Looks Like The Earth

Homeland of this interesting fruit, called Hala, is Eastern Australia and the Pacific Islands. The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, being one of the traditional foods of Maldivian cuisine. Before peeling, the robe resembles a green pineapple, and once dissolved, the fruit resembles an incision on planet Earth.

It is an amazing source of vitamin C, which makes it a strong immune stimulant and a powerful fighter against viruses and diseases. In the Pacific region, the robe is known for its healing properties. It can help overcome colds, asthma and even cancer. Apart from being edible, it also has a practical use: when dried, the fibers can be used for necklaces, dresses, baskets, carpets or even balls for children to play with.

The fruit pulp is used to flavor fruit desserts and sweet sauces and also for canned food, including jams and marmalades. The robe contains beta-carotene and can help prevent vitamin A deficiency. This protects the body from blindness and eye problems. Vitamin A deficiency leads to bone and skin problems.

This food can also protect you from diabetes and heart disease. Thus, consuming this fruit we protect ourselves from many diseases and problems.

Despite the many benefits, improperly consuming the robe can get stomach upsets and diarrhea. It should be eaten in reasonable quantities so as not to lead to such unpleasant consequences. Fresh hala fruits are rich in fiber, which is important for intestinal health.

The Hala fruit
The Hala fruit

Photo: Mother Nature Network

A high-fiber diet also helps control blood sugar in diabetics and prevents excessive weight gain. Most people in the areas of this tree believe that its consumption helps to recover faster from diseases.

A distinctive feature of the whole tree is that it has a wide range of uses - not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves and even the roots. The leaves have a sweet taste and a strong spicy aroma. The whole tree is a gift from nature that created it to support people's lives.

Everyone who has the opportunity should not miss the opportunity to enjoy it.
