Do You Want To Live Long? Take On Housework

Do You Want To Live Long? Take On Housework
Do You Want To Live Long? Take On Housework

Housework is an unpleasant obligation in the eyes of every family member. Transferring maintenance responsibilities between household members and emerging disputes is a well-known routine for most people.

Annoying commitments can become more bearable if we look at the results of a study by Norwegian scientists. They claim that cleaning, cooking and maintaining order at home reduces the risk of premature death.

25 minutes of moderate physical activity is enough to halve the risk of early life. Such employment provides protection for the next six years. An example of moderate work is the action with the vacuum cleaner, which is the same as walking fast. All you need is an hour spent cooking or washing the dishes to ensure longevity.

It sounds rather frightening, but scientists support their claim with results made after eight studies conducted with an enviable number of volunteers, almost 40 thousand, aged up to 40 years. The results clearly show that the risks of premature death are lower in those actively working for the benefit of all in the family home. For the most active cleaners, this percentage increases significantly to surprisingly high percentages. Over 70 percent reduce the risk of those who are obsessed with the cleanliness of the family home leaving their lives early.

cleaning the refrigerator
cleaning the refrigerator

On the other hand, according to the same study, prolonged sitting in one place for 10 hours a day greatly increases the possibility of premature separation from life. Therefore, it is recommended that workers in a busy office environment find the opportunity for light exercise, at least short walks outside, if there is no opportunity to visit the gym during breaks between work.

According to another study, among the most hated chores the cleaning of the oven, ironing, washing of the bathroom and the windows are arranged. These are activities related to intense movement that meets the requirement for physical activity. Add to that the other benefit of keeping the home clean, and these household chores may no longer seem so unpleasant.

Domestic work activities such as gardening, vacuuming and cooking are considered the most enjoyable and belong to light and moderate physical labor, and at the same time are from benefit for longevity.
