Eat Spices, But In Small Amounts

Eat Spices, But In Small Amounts
Eat Spices, But In Small Amounts

Spices really make our food more spicy. They give it a spicy or burning taste. They also add flavor to our dishes.

However, as much as you love spices, you should not overdo them, as they can be dangerous to your health. Intake of spices in large quantities can cause changes in the lining of the digestive system, exacerbate existing inflammation, burden the bile, liver, pancreas, kidneys.

Excessive spices can also exacerbate the sensitivity of the nervous system, affect blood pressure.

However, this does not mean that we should completely get rid of our favorite spices. The total rejection of hot spices is incorrect. It has long been known that the so-called plant antibiotics (phytoncides), which are contained in horseradish, garlic, onions, are a disinfectant for the digestive and respiratory systems.

Eat spices, but in small amounts
Eat spices, but in small amounts

Chili peppers contain vitamins, minerals, organic acids, dyes, flavors and aromas. They are very rich in vitamin C. They contain the substance capsaicin, which gives them a spicy effect.

Capsaicin causes burning in the mouth, esophagus and stomach, even if taken in an amount equal to only 1/800 of a milligram. However, capsaicin is appetizing and causes profuse salivation in the mouth, as well as gastric, pancreatic and intestinal juices.

The use of hot peppers to whet the appetite is widespread in the Balkans. We all know how appetizing belly soup, beans or tulle casserole combined with hot peppers becomes.

Eat spices, but in small amounts
Eat spices, but in small amounts

Red pepper contains 4 times more vitamin C than lemon. Pepper contains spicy substances, essential oils and red dye, similar to carotene. Red pepper enhances digestive secretions. When we consume it alone or with hot peppers constantly, we "spur" our digestive glands, they begin to produce larger amounts of gastric hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes.

This in turn depletes the glandular apparatus of the digestive system. The greater amount of hydrochloric acid digests the surface layers of the gastric mucosa and over time causes the appearance of atrophic gastritis. In this line of thought, consume hot peppers and paprika very carefully.

Black pepper is another very popular spice in Bulgarian cuisine. It is added to soups, sauces, dishes with fatty meat, marinades, pâtés, etc. Black pepper stimulates the glands in the stomach and intestines. It has antimicrobial properties.

Black pepper should be consumed in small amounts. The abuse causes thirst, pain in the stomach and kidneys, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

Horseradish is a spicy spice, very rich in vitamin C. It also contains essential oil, carbohydrates, low fat. Its main effect is due to the glycoside synegrin. Synegrin undergoes biochemical changes in which an appetite stimulant is released when it enters the digestive system.

Horseradish in large quantities irritates the lining of the stomach and intestines. Doctors recommend that this spice be consumed in an amount that is collected on top of a teaspoon. This is the dose for 1 serving. When cooked, the aroma of horseradish is lost, so it is best to put the spice in the dishes at the end.
