For The Harmful Food And The Damage It Does To Us

For The Harmful Food And The Damage It Does To Us
For The Harmful Food And The Damage It Does To Us

One of the biggest differences in life today and only 10 years ago - we consume huge amounts junk food. And while an unhealthy temptation from time to time won't hurt us, the habit of eating regularly in the chains for fast food has serious effects not only on our body but also on our health.

It is proved that the so-called junk food causes headaches, depression, dental problems, acne, raises cholesterol. However, what are the most serious effects of this food on the body?

Most harmful foods have a huge amount of carbohydrates, but no fiber. When our digestive system breaks them down, these carbohydrates are excreted as glucose in the bloodstream. The result - our blood sugar rises sharply. Our pancreas responds by releasing insulin to process it. These processes are normal for our body. But if we eat foods that are high in carbohydrates but low in fiber too often, we risk developing diabetes, insulin resistance and being overweight. All of them increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Junk food
Junk food

In addition to many carbohydrates, harmful foods also contain trans fats. They raise cholesterol, and with it - the risk of heart disease and again - diabetes. IN fast food there is an impressive amount of salt that makes us retain water. It makes us feel bloated after eating, but this is our least problem. With excessive salt intake we risk getting hypertension, which puts a strain on the entire cardiovascular system.

Respiratory problems are not the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about junk food. However, they are a fact. The reason - a lot of calories lead to weight gain. And excess fat compresses the lungs and can cause shortness of breath, even asthma. Studies show that children who eat fast food are especially likely to develop asthma.

It also has effects on the central nervous system, leading to depression. In the short term, harmful food makes us full, but in the long run our body becomes addicted to it and seeks it in ever-increasing quantities and more and more often.

Fast food is harmful food
Fast food is harmful food

Fast food has a negative effect on our whole body. It can lead to reproductive problems and even fertility, directly affecting our hair, nails and skin. And according to the latest data, a huge percentage of the world's population suffers from obesity. It is not just a few pounds on top, but a serious disease that has severe consequences. Limit the consumption of such food and be sure to try to eat fruits and vegetables daily. This is how you ensure your health.
