Why Are Toothpicks Harmful?

Why Are Toothpicks Harmful?
Why Are Toothpicks Harmful?

Many people do not know how to take care of their teeth. Even more people do not realize that problems can affect both teeth and gums.

Sticks have been proven to be one of the first means of cleaning teeth from food. Centuries ago, our ancestors used some kind of sticks to remove food accumulated between the teeth. Shortly after the appearance of toothpicks toothbrushes also appear. The new oral cleaner is much easier to use and much more functional, so it quickly becomes the favorite device for cleaning teeth by the already civilized person.

Although there are plenty of toothbrushes nowadays such as ordinary toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes and others, toothpicks remain a preferred and still widely used product. With a variety of different tastes, toothpicks are available almost everywhere - both in grocery stores and restaurants.

However, it turns out that toothpicks have harmful effects on the oral cavity. Dentists can easily find out who uses toothpicks and how often. When a person constantly uses toothpicks, it can lead to permanent damage to the teeth and gums.

Why are toothpicks harmful?
Why are toothpicks harmful?

The pressure exerted by the stick on the gum during the process of pushing the rest of the food damages the cement of the crown, which lies on the surface of the teeth. This can lead to the development of caries and other dental problems. The gums often suffer from toothpick stings. A more serious sting can create a wound and cause infection and swelling. In such cases, it is necessary to react quickly and seek medical help before it becomes too serious.

The use of toothpicks can damage the enamel and lead to tooth decay. There are plastic and wooden toothpicks. Plastic ones are preferable because when a wooden stick breaks, it is possible for a fever to get into your mouth and even worse to get stuck in your gums. This will be followed by complicated and unpleasant procedures, which you certainly prefer to save.
