Eight Beauty Tips With Baking Soda

Eight Beauty Tips With Baking Soda
Eight Beauty Tips With Baking Soda

Except for baking you can use bicarbonate of soda and to remove bad odors in the refrigerator and to clean burnt dishes. But how can you use it as a beauty, healing or hygiene product?

Here are the cases in which baking soda will help easily for your better appearance, as you do that of your personal belongings:

1. Baking soda whitens teeth - once a week you can brush your teeth with a paste of soda and water;

2. Restoration and smoothing of rough skin - to massage rough elbows, knees and heels you can prepare a gentle peeling with 3 parts soda and one part water;

Bicarbonate of soda
Bicarbonate of soda

3. Soda in the bath - a few tablespoons of baking soda in a warm bath will help you feel your skin softer and smoother, while contributing to its cleansing;

4. Foot care - after a tiring day you can soak them for 15-20 minutes in a basin of warm water in which you have dissolved 2 tablespoons of baking soda and one salt;

5. For cleaning and whitening nails - in soda solution in a bowl with 250-300 ml of water and 3 tbsp. soda dip your fingers;

6. Baking soda refreshes the breath - rinse your mouth with a glass of water in which 1 tsp is dissolved. soda;

Fresh breath
Fresh breath

7. Disinfectant - you can leave in a bowl or basin with a high concentration of soda - 7-8 tablespoons, for a few hours your combs, makeup brushes and kits;

8. To soothe bites or burns - a compress with a paste of soda and water will relieve pain and itching.
