Freezing And Storage Of Okra

Freezing And Storage Of Okra
Freezing And Storage Of Okra

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Although okra is not as common as cucumbers and tomatoes, it is a very useful vegetable because it contains many mineral salts and trace elements, B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene and more.

Due to its mucous substances, it is recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders. It is suitable for the preparation of delicious soups and stews, as an additive in the preparation of salads, stews and more.

If you grow okra in your yard or you have the opportunity to get home-grown okra, it is good to learn how to store it. The easiest method is to freeze it. However, this can only be done with the younger okra, because it lasts longer.

It must be no longer than 4-5 cm and must be blanched before it is frozen. You can also preserve okra in jars so that it does not take up space in your freezer.

In both cases, the okra should be processed no later than 24 hours after harvesting. Here's how to proceed in these two situations:

Freezing okra

Okra in jars
Okra in jars

Once you have the okra, you need to inspect each pod well and remove the damaged ones. Then soak it in water so you can wash it well. Once you have washed it, you need to blanch it. This is done by putting it in boiling salted water for about 5 minutes.

When it is ready, pour cold water over it, and after it cools, leave it in a colander to drain. It is then packed in plastic bags by pressing lightly in order for the packages to become more compact and not to take up space in the freezer.

The air from the bags must also be removed. It is good to prepare bags of different sizes, depending on what you are going to prepare, and to write the approximate amount of okra on them.

Canning okra

Washed and cleaned of stalks okra (about 1 kg) is soaked with water to which is added 150 g of vinegar and a little salt. Separately prepare brine from 400 ml of vinegar, 300 g of salt and 5 liters of water, which is boiled and cooled.

The drained okra is arranged in jars, filled with brine and left to stand for about 15 days so that it can be used.
