Recipe From The Orient: Tajin Jalbana Sweet Potato

Recipe From The Orient: Tajin Jalbana Sweet Potato
Recipe From The Orient: Tajin Jalbana Sweet Potato

The preparation of the so-called tajine dishes is very common among the oriental countries. They take their name from the special vessel in which they are prepared and which is said tajin. It is made of clay and is a deep round tray with a conical lid. Its purpose is to simmer the products in it slowly over a very low heat.

There are the most diverse recipes for tajine, which are usually prepared with meat and vegetables and which, thanks to the long stewing time in this appliance, manage to fully absorb all the spices. It is cooked mainly with chicken, but there are often dishes with pigeons.

No matter what the meat is, it is important to mention that it is served mainly on holidays, as finding meat in Arab countries is generally not an easy task.

You do not have tajine, but when preparing this type of dish you can use the simplest pot with a lid or even better - a casserole. Here is one of the most commonly prepared Arabic dishes, known as Tajin jalbana sweet potato:

Tajin jalbana sweet potato (Chicken with potatoes and peas)

Recipe from the Orient: Tajin jalbana sweet potato
Recipe from the Orient: Tajin jalbana sweet potato

Necessary products: 1 kg chicken, 550 g potatoes, 3 tomatoes, 3 cloves garlic, 4 fresh onions, 1 lemon, 6 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. of mixed ginger, black and red pepper, nutmeg, cardamom and turmeric, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 500 ml water, 500 g frozen peas, a few sprigs of parsley, salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation: The chicken is washed and cut into pieces. Mash the garlic and mix in a bowl with the juice of the squeezed lemon, 3 tbsp. olive oil, mixed spices and finely chopped parsley. Mix everything well and marinate the chicken in this mixture for about 7-8 hours.

Then the chicken is lightly fried on both sides in the remaining olive oil. Onions, potatoes and peeled tomatoes are chopped and added to the chicken along with the rest of the marinade and peas.

Everything is suffocated and transferred to tajin/ casserole or any other clay pot and bake until the products are completely ready. If desired, you can add hot peppers to the recipe.
