What Is The Best Way To Store Potatoes?

What Is The Best Way To Store Potatoes?
What Is The Best Way To Store Potatoes?

In the beginning, potatoes were considered poisonous and were used mainly as a flower for decoration. One day, the chef of a tyrannical ruler decided to poison him, using the roots of the plant and preparing a delicious dish.

He presented it to his master and quietly waited for his death. After a hearty lunch, he was summoned to the tyrant's chambers, praised in front of everyone, gained a host of privileges, and proclaimed the most skilled craftsman. So everyone understood that the poisonous plant in question was actually more than tasty and useful.

Although potatoes are known to the modern world 10,000 years ago, there are still many questions related to their preservation.

Here are the golden rules to have healthy and quality potatoes at home:

1. Be careful with the temperature

Store the potatoes in ventilated and cool rooms, but not too cold so as not to freeze. When stored between 6-10 ° C, raw potatoes will stay fresh for months without spoiling. Potato storage under these conditions can help slow the formation of sprouts on the skin, which is one of the first signs of spoilage. Storage at lower temperatures also helps to preserve the content of vitamin C. Studies show that potatoes stored at lower temperatures contained for 4 months a content of vitamin C up to 90%, while those stored in more -warm rooms have lost almost 20% of vitamin C.

fresh potatoes
fresh potatoes

2. Keep the potatoes out of direct light

When potatoes are exposed to light, their skin becomes green and especially toxic. If you notice that the green color has covered the entire product - discard it immediately. The substance that causes this color is called solanine. It is dangerous to health, it is poisonous even when cut deep into potatoes.

3. Do not store potatoes in the freezer or refrigerator

Extremely low temperatures can cause the so-called. cold induced sweetening. This happens when part of the starch is converted into reducing sugars. Reducing sugars can form carcinogens, known as acrylamides, when fried or exposed to very high cooking temperatures, so it's best to keep levels low.

4. Place the potatoes in an open bowl or paper bag

Potatoes need airflow to prevent the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to spoilage. The best way to allow free air movement is to store it in an open bowl or paper bag.

Do not store them in an airtight container without ventilation, such as a plastic bag with a zipper or a glass lid. Without air circulation, the moisture released by the potatoes will collect in the container and stimulate the growth of mold and bacteria. To store potatoes longer, you can put them in water in an open bowl or in a paper bag or other container with ventilation holes. This helps prevent the accumulation of moisture, which leads to spoilage.

What is the best way to store potatoes?
What is the best way to store potatoes?

5. Do not wash the potatoes before peeling them

As tempting as it may seem to remove the accumulated mud, you can lightly brush them with a dry brush. Washing should be done only after peeling the skin. To prevent them from turning black while you cook them, leave the peeled potatoes in a bowl full of water to cover them completely.

6. Clean the sprouted potatoes regularly

In larger quantities, potatoes often germinate. Regularly inspect for growths and remove them. Another proven trick is to place an apple near the net with potatoes. It will help them stay fresh and spoil more slowly.
