Finnish Cuisine - Fish Temptations Of The Class

Finnish Cuisine - Fish Temptations Of The Class
Finnish Cuisine - Fish Temptations Of The Class

Finnish food has traditionally been heavily influenced by Sweden. In Eastern Finland, however, the influence comes from Russian cuisine. The spices are used a little, for which a lot of salt is added.

The culture of eating in recent decades has become a very important part of the national identity of the country. A lot of effort is put into menus that can be offered and exported to foreign countries. The trend is called the "new Finnish cuisine" or La Nouvelle finlandaise finlandaise.

National specialties are cheese, bread, reindeer meat in various forms, freshly salted fish, blueberries, game birds, wild mushrooms.

The harsh climate and poor harvests have taught locals to make the most of the goods and raw materials provided by nature. Called the "land of lakes", Finland is well known for its fish diversity.


Finns prepare and consume fish in any form. Especially in winter, it is one of the most important sources of vitamin D. Fat is also a good way to protect the heart. Every local consumes fish dishes at least twice a week.

Fish soup is highly revered in Finland. It is prepared in many varieties. This soup is a local delicacy, prepared mostly in February. What is specific about it is that milk or cream must be added.

Roasted salmon
Roasted salmon

Some of the most appetizing local specialties are karjalanpiirakka (which is a cake with rice or potatoes) and kalakuko - the traditional pie with fish and lard. Definitely the most popular and loved is the delicacy kalekuko. This is a fish pie prepared for an extremely long time. In the past it was placed in a special baking dish - in the shape of a fish.

The "icing on the cake", however, is smoked salmon. It is prepared from thin fillets of fresh salmon, flavored with lemon, salt and pepper. Place between long and thin slices of bacon and cover with fresh white fish meat. Add onion rings and roll into kitchen baking paper. Interestingly, it is placed in the oven only with it, without a pan and cooked for 5-6 hours at 80-90 degrees.

Finnish cuisine is quite interesting and should not be underestimated at the expense of others. Even a cursory glance at the menus gives us an idea of its diversity and uniqueness, as well as the high class of fish and specialties.
