All Fountains From Which Free Wine Is Poured

All Fountains From Which Free Wine Is Poured
All Fountains From Which Free Wine Is Poured

A fountain from which wine is poured is not a fantasy, but something that can be seen in many countries around the world. Can you imagine how good it is to be able to drink white or red wine indefinitely, without God's intervention.

Fountains from which wine flows are located in key places around the world. Although not all work all year round, you can enjoy their enchanting liquid for free on holidays and festivals.

Fortunately for the pilgrims on their pilgrimage, there are several wine fountains that operate year-round.

One of the year-round fountains is located in Spain, on the road Camino - Santiago del Compostela with relics of St. James. Wine is also poured from a fountain located in the medieval town of Bodegas winery. It was built in honor of the Benedictine monks, thanks to their proverbial generosity.

The Italians are definitely not far behind. Last October, a pilgrimage wine fountain was inaugurated on the Camino di San Tomaso pilgrimage route. Every year, thousands travel from Rome to Orton to visit the cathedral with the remains of St. Thomas.

Most fountains, both with water and those from which white and red wine flows, are in Italy. In Ortona it is the only one in the country from which free wine is constantly poured. The rest are released only on holidays and special days.


Photo: UkPressfromCom

In other countries with wine fountains, their construction has no pilgrimage nuance. Some time ago, one was built in Switzerland as well. Unfortunately for the people of Zurich, it is only released on holidays.

The UK will also soon offer the pleasure of enjoying white and red wine for free. The Palace of Pleasures at Hampton Court, owned by the English ruler Henry VIII, has been welcoming tourists again for several years. The fountain there stopped functioning four centuries ago, until it was discovered some time ago after archeological excavations. Hidden under nearly 4 meters of a copy of a fountain from the time of Henry VIII, today it is subject to restoration. The centuries-old traditions of feasts and the impressive celebrations of the English monarch are expected to become a reality again soon.

France is also among the countries that delight the world with its unique wines. The thousands of kilometers of vineyards in Provence allow a similar fountain to be built there as well. For now, however, the country is in the process of considering exactly where to place it. Champagne lovers even suggest that a fountain be built in his homeland, the Champagne region, from which champagne is poured.
