A Cloud Of Tequila Spreads Alcohol Rain In Berlin

A Cloud Of Tequila Spreads Alcohol Rain In Berlin
A Cloud Of Tequila Spreads Alcohol Rain In Berlin

Mexico is a truly unique country. Where, if not in the homeland of tequila, can they invent a whole cloud from which tequila rains.

The unique cloud was created in partnership between the Mexican Board of Tourism and the Lapiz advertising agency. It is housed in an art gallery in Berlin, where it is part of a special exhibition.

Unique in its kind, the exhibition aims to attract German tourists south of the American border. This only proves that the Germans are the second most active consumers of tequila in the world, of course after the Mexicans themselves.

The creators of the cloud used ultrasonic humidifiers to make the cloud. They make the tequila vibrate with a frequency that turns it into a visible mist - quite conceptually. The resulting smoke condenses into a liquid form, which like a real cloud pours in the form of alcohol rain.

The cloud from which it rains tequilacan definitely be described as the funniest in the world. It is programmed to rain when it rains in Berlin as well. This means that every time it rains outside, museum visitors can catch a bottle of some tequila from the cloud. Logically, it is during these days that the attendance of the art gallery increases enormously.

Before heading to Berlin or Mexico, it's good to know that the cloud was created just for this exhibition. The Mexicans have no plans to move it to their own territory or to let it soar freely in the sky, which is really sad.

Experiments with alcohol vapors were not invented by Mexicans. Two years ago, in 2015, Alcoholic Architecture was opened in London. The invention was a room in which visitors breathed alcohol. The club is closed, but the owners are looking for a new place to build it again.
