Swamp Air

Swamp Air
Swamp Air

Swamp air / Acorus calamus / is a perennial herbaceous plant that has been known since ancient times. It originates from the Himalayas and belongs to the Zmiyarnikov family. In our country it is also known as galistomache and saber-shaped rush.

The rhizome of marshmallow is fragrant, long and thick, creeping and covered with remnants of leaves. The rhizome reaches a length of 3 cm. The above-ground parts grow from it every year. The final bud each spring develops a flowering stem and leaves. The leaves are basically red-violet.

The flowers of calamus are numerous, small, with a greenish-yellow color. The fruit is a dry grain, but in our climate, the fruit never ripens, which is why in Bulgaria the plant is propagated vegetatively. The rhizomes and leaves have a pungent taste and a pleasant odor.

Composition of marsh marigold

Swamp air contains essential oil, the bitter glycoside acorin, choline, tannins, the alkaloid calamine, resin, mucus, vitamin C and more.

Collection and storage of marsh marigold

Marsh marigold grows in swampy areas along the Iskar River in the Samokov and Sofia regions and along the Tundzha River in the Kazanlak region.

The usable part of the plant is the rhizome. It is taken out in the spring - April or in the fall - October. After removal, the rhizome is peeled, cut and dried in the shade or in an oven at temperatures up to 40 degrees.

Properly dried herb has a yellow-brown color on the outside and white on the inside. The shelf life of whole roots is 3 years, and of cut - 2 years.

Dried and packaged marshmallow can also be purchased from specialized herbal stores and the price is about BGN 2 for 50 g.

Benefits of marshmallow

The roots of marshmallow have expectorant, stimulating, analgesic and disinfectant action. The herb is used to treat colds, loss of appetite, heart and kidney problems, heartburn, cough, rheumatism. Helps strengthen the nervous system and enhance vision and memory.

The marsh marigold has an appetite-stimulating effect, which makes it suitable for people suffering from dyspepsia and anorexia. The juice from the rhizome of marshmallow has been found to increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The herb has very good tonic and carminative effects, improves digestion and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A number of studies show that marshmallow has antispasmodic, soporific, analgesic and sedative effects. Marshmallow helps with amnesia, hypochondria, palpitations, chronic bronchitis.

Swamp calamus plant
Swamp calamus plant

The essential oil of marshmallow finds great application in the food, confectionery, perfumery and liqueur industries.

Folk medicine with marsh marigold

In folk medicine, the rhizome of the herb is used in kidney and bile diseases, anemia, stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, jaundice, irregular menstruation.

For external use, the herb is recommended for gnawing for bleeding gums and toothache, for baths for boils and purulent wounds, for hair healing.

For internal use 1 teaspoon marshmallow pour 400 ml of boiling water. Soak for 1 hour and strain. Drink 15 minutes before meals, 1 cup 4 times a day.

Chewing the roots of marsh marigold causes nausea and vomiting, which is why it is used to quit smoking.

Damage from marsh marigold

The marsh marigold it should be used very carefully because it is a poisonous plant. Apply as prescribed and monitored by a specialist to avoid unwanted complications.
