2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Swamp mourner / Spirea ulmaria / is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. The herb is also found as elm, pear, licorice, meadow, nut and disgusting. The marsh marigold has a creeping rhizome with many roots. The stem of the plant is erect, woody at the base, branched at the top, reaching 50-100 cm in height.
The leaves are unpaired, with 5-11 large toothed leaflets, between them with several pairs of small leaflets, the upper leaflet being the largest. The flowers are numerous in thyroid inflorescences, forming apical panicles. Petals are 5-6, yellowish-white. The fruit of the marsh sorrel is assembled from uncracked single-seeded spirally twisted naked brown pods. The marsh sorrel blooms from May to August.
It can be seen in wet meadows, along streams, rivers and in swampy places, mainly in the mountains. The plant is found in Stara Planina, Vitosha, Osogovo Mountains, Rhodopes, Sredna Gora and in the Sofia region from 400 to 2300 m above sea level. Apart from our country, the marsh mourner is widespread throughout Europe, Asia Minor, North America and others.
Composition of marsh sorrel
The Swamp Sorrow contains phenolic glucosides, gaulterin, which releases methyl salicylate during hydrolysis, etc. The overhanging parts of the herb contain a significant amount of tannins. The aboveground parts also contain the phenolic glucoids spitrenin and isosalicin. Traces of salicylic acid, mineral salts, essential oil and others were found in the marsh mourner.
Collection and storage of marsh sorrel
From marsh mourner the stems and the rhizome are mainly used. These parts of the herb are harvested from August to October. The stems are collected at the beginning of flowering of the herb. Cut the stem together with the leaves and flowers about 25 cm on top. The green leaves from the uncut part of the stem are also picked and added to the batch. The rhizomes of marsh marigold are dug up along with the roots during the autumn months, after the fruits ripen and the above-ground parts of the herb begin to wither.
The collected material is cleaned of soil and aboveground parts, then washed. The prepared stalks and rhizomes with roots are dried separately in ventilated rooms or in an oven at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, spreading the material in a thin layer so as not to steam. The drug must dry quickly. The material is then packed in bags or bales and stored in a ventilated area.
Benefits of marsh mourner

They have been highly valued in Bulgaria since the Middle Ages the marsh mourner as an excellent remedy. Unfortunately, the herb is little known today. It is known that there is no other medicinal plant with a higher content of natural salicylates. Official medicine also pays attention to the action of marsh marigold, and quite early - as early as 1827 salicylates were extracted from the plant - the same chemical compounds contained in aspirin - acetylsalicylic acid, synthesized by the German chemist Felix Hoffmann only in 1899. The name aspirin comes from spiraea (spiraea) - the Latin name of the marsh mourner. To this day, the drug is used mainly because of its content of acetylsalicylic acid and vitamin C.
Aspirin is a drug with a long history, but it continues to be among the wonderful and widely used remedies for colds and various inflammatory diseases. At the same time, however, it often irritates the stomach, and with increased acidity can be seriously harmful - sometimes even one tablet can cause bleeding. And marshmallow, which is often used as a plant natural analogue of aspirin, can be safely taken by people with high acidity and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. Marshmallow even reduces acidity and can be used instead of willow bark or aspirin, without irritating the stomach.
The herb has anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antacid, analgesic, astringent (thickens tissues and reduces secretions), diaphoretic and diuretic action. The above-ground parts of the marsh sorrel are used for medicinal purposes. They are used in a number of diseases such as chickenpox, smallpox, blood diseases. Marshmallow relieves headaches, neuralgia, nervous spasms, helps to sleep properly, relieves menstrual pain, is useful for colic, dyspepsia, diarrhea in children, hyperacidity, gastritis, hiatus hernia, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, peptic ulcers.
Swamp mourner has a beneficial effect on irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It also helps with cystitis, gout, water retention, dropsy, sand in the urine, inflammation of the urethra, kidney stones. The drug is also effective in arthritis, infections, rheumatism, swollen joints, muscle and joint pain. Indicates a beneficial effect in influenza and respiratory problems, skin problems, serves as an antidote for infections and poisoning, lowers fever, relieves pain, protects mucous membranes. Externally, the herb is used for wounds and inflamed eyes. And also for rheumatism and skin rashes.
In Bulgarian folk medicine, marsh sorrel is also used for stomach and intestinal pain, vomiting, difficulty urinating, jaundice, skin rashes, bone tuberculosis, inflammation of the glands, goiter, shortness of breath, cancer and others. Externally it is used for washing in case of white flow, insect bites, etc. Marshmallow is a remedy that cures the overloaded nervous system of modern man without side effects.
New research proves that marshmallow has a strong sedative effect, several times stronger than valerian. Its action is fast and the effect can be felt in the first days of intake. The uniqueness of the herb is due to the fact that on the one hand it calms and on the other - helps to improve mood.
Based on marsh mourner An herbal composition has been created that stimulates the hormone of joy - serotonin, and low levels of this hormone lead to depression. The valuable thing in it is that it does not create habituation and does not reduce the ability to work, but on the contrary - gives peace and mood. Recommended for functional disorders of the central nervous system, stress, depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Marshmallow inflorescences are used as a substitute for tea, and in the Scandinavian countries are mixed with beer and wine to get a better taste.

Thanks to the essential oil contained in the drug, it can also be used against insect bites.
The Swamp Sorrow is also very popular with bees. Today, as in the past, many beekeepers use marshmallow leaves and flowers to disinfect hives and "orient" bees what plant to look for when they fly.
Folk medicine with marsh mourner
Our folk medicine offers the following recipe for pain in the stomach and intestines: Pour one tsp. finely chopped stalks with a glass of cold water and leave the liquid for 8 hours. This is a dose for 1 day.
The Swamp Sorrow can be successfully combined with sage, chamomile and balm to treat digestive complaints. Pour 1-2 tsp. of dried herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave the mixture to mature for 10-15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
In the form of tincture is used 3 times 1-4 ml, and as a liquid extract 2-6 ml.
A decoction can also be prepared from the rhizomes of marsh marigold. Boil 2 tablespoons of the herb in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
Externally, marsh marigold is used for gurgling in toothache and bleeding gums, for baths for scrofula and rickets, for compresses for boils and purulent wounds. Cosmetically, the herb is recommended boiled in vinegar in a ratio of 1:10, to rub into the hair to strengthen it.
Drops can also be prepared from the drug. For this purpose, 50 g of dried flowers are poured with 500 ml of alcohol, the mixture is left to stand for 2 weeks, stirring well every day, filtered and poured into a dark bottle. Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day.
Damage from marsh mourner
Marshmallow should be taken only on prescription and under medical supervision, as it can cause a false attack in asthmatics. The herb should not be used by people who are allergic to aspirin.
Swamp Snowdrop

Swamp snowdrop / Leucojum aestivum / is a perennial bulbous plant of the Kokichevi family. It is also known as common marsh snowdrop, white violet, St. George's snowdrop, dormouse, frog tulip, meadow snowdrop, summer marsh snowdrop and others.
Swamp Air

Swamp air / Acorus calamus / is a perennial herbaceous plant that has been known since ancient times. It originates from the Himalayas and belongs to the Zmiyarnikov family. In our country it is also known as galistomache and saber-shaped rush.