Night Eating Damages The Brain

Night Eating Damages The Brain
Night Eating Damages The Brain

It has long been proven that night eating is extremely harmful. However, it turns out that in addition to our figure, it can negatively affect the brain and memory.

If you regularly get up at night and secretly eat from others, over time the memory begins to be damaged. Another negative is the deterioration of sleep quality. That's according to geneticists at the University of California, Los Angeles. They conducted an experiment with mice that had a completely night life.

The mice in the study were divided into two groups. The first was fed between nine o'clock in the evening and three o'clock at night, and the other after nine o'clock in the morning. Both groups of rodents slept the same amount of time.

Soon after they were put on this regimen, the mice that ate at night began to have serious sleep problems. This also disrupted their circadian rhythms, which in turn negatively affected the production of proteins, mainly those responsible for memory. With each passing day, they showed worse results on memory and concentration tests, they were nervous and aggressive.

Our stomach also has a clock and it is set with the time of eating. This is indicated by changing insulin levels in some tissues. This achieves optimal functioning of the digestive system at the designated hours. And because night is a time to sleep, not to eat, the whole system is confused by what is happening.

For now, it is only assumed that the negative effect is the result of night meals. In addition to the data obtained, the recently established fact that people who work at night perform worse on intelligence tasks is accepted as proof of this.


And medical research shows that circadian rhythms respond not only to light but also to certain chemicals in food. From this it can be concluded that eating at night upsets our memory.
