Culinary Use Of Sesame

Culinary Use Of Sesame
Culinary Use Of Sesame

Homeland of the heat-loving sesame plant is Africa, but it is successfully grown in the Mediterranean, India, China, Pakistan and Bulgaria.

It is often used in the cuisine of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. It is most often used to season hummus, kebabs and meat. It is regularly combined with lemon and garlic.

Sesame is one of the oldest plants cultivated in the Middle and Far East for culinary use. Each of its berries gives each dish an identity. One of its most valued benefits is the fact that it is dietary. It supports both digestion and the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Culinary use of sesame
Culinary use of sesame

White sesame is the raw material from which halva is made. However, it is also a frequently used ingredient in the preparation of fried meat and fish in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine. For this purpose, toast the sesame lightly in a pan. In addition to breading, it is also used in various pastries.

Sesame is one of the few spices for which there are no culinary limits. It can be successfully added both as an appetizer and in a main course, even dessert. It goes well with meat, poultry and fish, as well as fruits, vegetables and pasta.

Culinary use of sesame
Culinary use of sesame

In the Middle East, sesame oil is highly respected. It is used to make tahini, which is so popular there. It is often combined with lemon juice, salt, pepper and other spices typical of the Arab world.

In Arab countries, the spice is consumed mostly in the form of the dish hummus, which is chickpeas with sesame oil.

In our latitudes, sesame oil is produced from raw, white sesame. The processing is specific and does not destroy such valuable vitamins and active substances.

The specific substance sesamolin from sesame prevents the spoilage of the oil and has a cholesterol-lowering effect in the body.

Besides oil, sesame in Bulgaria is consumed in the form of the so popular tahini halva. In Turkey and Greece it is used mainly for flavoring many types of bread and cakes.
