The Dark Side Of Almonds

Video: The Dark Side Of Almonds

Video: The Dark Side Of Almonds
Video: What Will Happen If You Eat 20 Almonds Every Day? 2024, September
The Dark Side Of Almonds
The Dark Side Of Almonds

There is no doubt that almonds are superfoods. Their consumption worldwide has grown so much that today they are more popular than ever and even surpassed peanuts, which until recently were an unprecedented favorite.

And with reason - their daily consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, maintains optimal levels of fatty acids in our body, takes care of our appearance. At the same time, these nuts are delicious and filling, protect against chronic diseases such as diabetes and neurodegenerative such as Alzheimer's.

In addition to all the prevention effects, almonds are rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin E and flavonoids. They are thought to reduce premature mortality by more than 20%.

The largest almond farm in California
The largest almond farm in California

All these facts prove the benefits of almonds. However, according to recent studies, they also have dark side. And it is due to all these benefits that are becoming increasingly known. Thus, to meet demand, the industry began mass production of these nuts.

They originate from California - this is where most of the almonds we find on the market are produced. Each almond tree requires huge amounts of water. Concerns about almond production have been growing in recent droughts. Namely - the planet does not have this resource to meet the demand for these nuts on the market. This means that more and more of almonds are genetically modified. And this automatically leads to flooding the market with food sold for its good reputation, but of much lower quality, which does not meet the requirements of buyers.

The price of almonds is also rising. In England, almond milk has risen in price by nearly 80% in just one year. It is also estimated that a truck with almonds costs over 160 thousand euros.

Consumption of almonds
Consumption of almonds

Another problem - the increased planting of almond trees requires many bees to pollinate them to have fruit - or nuts. However, bee colonies have been declining rapidly in recent years.

Therefore, experts advise to reduce the consumption of almonds - first, because of rising prices; secondly, because of the impossibility of quality production. Instead, we can consume other nuts - walnuts, cashews, pistachios. They all have an equally beneficial effect on our health.
