Vitamin B15

Vitamin B15
Vitamin B15

Vitamin B15, also known as pangamic acid, is classified as a B-vitamin because it is synthesized after consuming products rich in vitamins from this complex. In fact, vitamin B15 is not a real vitamin, but is only considered a vitamin-like substance because it is not found in organic form in nature. Science has not yet given enough answers regarding pangamic acid. No diseases have been proven due to its deficiency in the body.

Unconfirmed legends say that Russian bodybuilding champions accept vitamin B15, as a result of which they have an excellent shape. Another myth is that racehorses in the United States give them vitamin B15 to make them faster and to tire more slowly.

Vitamin B15 dissolves in water. It was introduced in Russia, where they were very impressed with the results of its intake, but the US Food and Drug Administration banned its use on the market.

The biological action of vitamin B15 is diverse. Above all, it increases the activity of tissue respiration enzymes. It also catalyzes some methyl group transfer reactions, including creatine and choline.

Fitness body
Fitness body

Functions of vitamin B15

Vitamin B15 normalizes lipid metabolism in the body, has a very good lipotropic effect and improves the processes of aerobic synthesis. It increases the body's ability to use oxygen, as well as enhances the resistance of blood vessels to oxygen starvation, known as hypoxia.

Benefits of vitamin B15

Vitamin B15 suppresses the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue, thus reducing fatigue and increasing the endurance of athletes. Used to treat alcohol dependence / alcoholism.

Pangamic acid can be used for detoxification, as well as for the treatment of asthma, joint pain, nerve pain, skin diseases. However, these claims still need to be clarified.


Vitamin B15 is needed by the body to synthesize vitamins, hormones and other important substances. Protects against obesity of the liver, stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Increases the body's ability to get rid of toxins.

Vitamin B15 It is used very successfully in the prevention of serious diseases such as autism, arthritis, allergies, breathing problems, hypoglycemia and diabetes, cardiovascular disease. It prolongs the life of cells, which is one of its most valuable qualities.

As mentioned, vitamin B15 is used to treat alcoholism. This action is explained by the ability to neutralize the body's cravings, while helping to detoxify and protect the liver from cirrhosis. This means that vitamin B15 is especially needed by people living in large cities who are exposed to serious pollution on a daily basis.

Vitamin B15 reduces the levels of bad cholesterol, which makes it especially necessary for people suffering from obesity or prone to it.

Brown rice
Brown rice

Sources of vitamin B15

Vitamin B15 is found in animal tissues - kidneys, fish, meat, liver. On the part of plant groups, the highest amount of this vitamin is found in brown rice, rice bran, yeast, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. It is also found in brewer's yeast. It is believed to give the best prophylactic results when taken in combination with vitamin E and vitamin A.

Daily dose of vitamin B15

Athletes take vitamin B15 in the form of a supplement, and the daily intake should not exceed 100 mg. The intake is divided into two - morning and evening 50 mg. There is no evidence of toxicity, but it is possible that nausea may occur at the beginning.

Vitamin B15 deficiency

As we have said, it has not yet been proven that diseases occur due to a deficiency of vitamin B15. However, there are reports of nervous disorders, heart disease, glandular damage and reduced oxidation of living tissue.
