How To Make Strudel?

How To Make Strudel?
How To Make Strudel?

The strudel is one of the most delicious and fragrant cakes you have ever tasted. Imagine entering the house, and the kitchen smells of apples and cinnamon, freshly baked dough and sweetness that makes your mouth fill with saliva. You sit at the table, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and in a plate next to you is a piece of appetizing cake with a scoop of ice cream (according to preference).

Apple strudel comes from Vienna in the 17th century, when the first recipe was created. However, the dough, the way it is kneaded and baked, comes from the Ottoman Empire.

You probably think that strudel is easy to make. Yes, it looks like that! In reality, however, preparing the dough can be extremely difficult and requires skilled hands.

Basic tips for making apple strudel

Strudel dough
Strudel dough

Since many of us do not have time, we often take ready-made dough from the store. The secret to the perfect strudel however, we have to prepare the dough ourselves at home. You can sift the flour and salt together, add the eggs, water or milk, and a little fat. Knead a soft dough. Then, as with the Easter cake, "push" on the table or countertop for 10-15 minutes. Leave it to rest for half an hour and roll. As thin as possible. And you're ready for the stuffing.

One of the main tips that some chefs give is not to pour all the liquid mentioned in the recipe at once. Pour gradually and decide if you need more.

Others say that it is good to prepare the dough one day before baking. After you prepare it, wrap it well and put it in the refrigerator to stand for 18 to 24 hours. You can then roll it out so thin that you can read a newspaper through it.

In addition to the dough, the filling is also important. Choose fresh fruit and cook strudel fillingwhile the dough rests. You can add different raisins to make the taste richer and richer. It is very important to add crumbs of dough inside the filling, which will remove moisture from the apples.

The original Viennese strudel

Viennese strudel
Viennese strudel

Knead the dough from flour, water and a little fat. Add a little salt to the flour. Knead until a soft dough is obtained. When it's almost done, start "folding" it - lift one end and fold it over the rest. Repeat several times. Then grease with oil and leave to rest for half an hour or overnight.

Prepare the mixture and set aside. Roll out the dough as thin as possible and grease with oil. Here the traditional strudel recipe says that the dough is rolled out perfectly if you put a piece of paper with an inscription under it and you can read it.

You can sprinkle with ground nuts to add some flavor. Do not forget the crumbs of dough that will absorb moisture. And, of course, add the stuffing.

The filling is prepared from baked apples (cut them into cubes or small pieces in advance). To them add half a teaspoon of raisins, 5 teaspoons of lemon juice, a quarter cup of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

Roll up, bake and enjoy!

More subtleties in the preparation of strudel


- The dough is easy to prepare, but you must give it time to rest;

- You can use a rolling pin and your fingers to achieve the desired transparency of the dough;

- If you have thick edges left, cut them;

- Use dough crumbs. If you don't have it, you can have breadcrumbs. They will absorb moisture from the apples;

- Do not forget to grease the rolled dough with butter;

- Grease the already prepared roll with oil;

- Bake at 180 degrees;

- Instead of apples, you can fill the dough with cheese filling - cottage cheese and ricotta, mixed with 2 eggs, a cup of sugar, the peel of a lemon and a cereal to your liking, which will take away moisture.

Garnish with ice cream and consume with coffee or tea.
