Dance To Lose Weight

Dance To Lose Weight
Dance To Lose Weight

Dancing is one of the most successful methods in the fight against obesity and overweight. They have an extraordinary effect on the physics and psyche of man.

Dances should be mostly fast - rock, twist, Latin, but it is good from time to time to perform slower movements. Dancing is just like fitness. You need to start with light exercise and gradually load the body. Young people should go to the disco more often, but not overdo it with drinking and cigarettes.

According to official data from the Bulgarian Association for the Study of Obesity, nearly 60% of Bulgarians are overweight. For this reason, many people suffer from ulcers, colitis and cardiovascular disease.

Being overweight is also one of the main causes of stroke and heart attack.

"Obesity is the result of a change in diet. It takes at least 40 days for the weight loss effect. But then the intestinal tract gets used to the established regime and it will be more difficult if you decide to change it."

If the mother does not have the right diet and eating habits, this will affect the fetus and he will be prone to various diseases associated with obesity. According to research, children should eat at least four times a day with cooked and healthy food, and between meals to eat fruits and vegetables with low glycemic index.

This type of food raises and lowers blood sugar very slowly, which keeps the body full for a long time. In addition, while young, kids should drink at least eight glasses of water a day and eat fish twice a week.
