Important Principles Of Natural Nutrition

Important Principles Of Natural Nutrition
Important Principles Of Natural Nutrition

Natural nutrition of man provides for moderation and use mainly of food that has not been subjected to heat treatment and refining. Biological, complete nutrition is a proven important factor for longevity, even in small quantities. Overeating, on the other hand, is one of the main causes of modern man's illness. Excess food (especially protein) acts as a poison. It causes the assimilation of nutrients and their decay in the colon, which leads to poisoning of the whole organism.

An important condition that determines the proper secretion of digestive enzymes is to establish accurate meal times. It is also necessary to chew slowly - each bite 20-30 times. In this way it is well sunburned, easily digested and gives a feeling of satiety.

Eating should be done in a pleasant and calm atmosphere, without nervousness and haste. Eating in the meantime is not recommended - then it is good to drink juices, herbal teas, mineral or plain water.

One should not start eating when one is not hungry, because this is also not good for the body.

When we get up from the table, we should be a little hungry. Digestion proceeds normally when the stomach is filled 1/2 part with food, 1/4 part with liquid and 1/4 part with air. When we eat meat, for example, 70% of the body's available energy is taken away.

And let's emphasize again that the menu we have must be healthy. Maximum preservation of the usefulness of our food in culinary processing gives the stewing of a low heat with a little water and fat. Steaming is also a good option. Stir-frying over high heat is not recommended, but if necessary, add water to the fat.

Important principles of natural nutrition
Important principles of natural nutrition

Whole foods are those that contain all the nutrients as given by nature - neither refined nor enriched. Good examples of this are: bread made from bran flour, potatoes cooked with flakes, brown (unpeeled) rice, brown cane sugar. In fact, white sugar and white flour are the main causes of deteriorating health of civilized nations.

In order to be healthy, it is necessary to consume natural carbohydrates and less animal protein. Natural carbohydrates are raw fruits, vegetables and unprocessed seeds (even those with sprouts).

It is recommended as a starting point for a proper diet to comply with the following ration for the day: 1/4 raw fruits, 1/4 raw vegetables, 1/4 heat-treated vegetables such as lentils, beans, potatoes, 1/10 carbohydrates such as honey and black bread, 1/10 protein and 1/20 remains of fat, vegetable and butter.
