The Craziest Diets Of The Past

The Craziest Diets Of The Past
The Craziest Diets Of The Past

People have always tried to fight the extra pounds. Today, one in five people is struggling with obesity, but diets first became popular in the nineteenth century.

At that time, obesity was a privilege of the rich. And just then the first diets began to appear. Some of them were really extravagant and even harmful to health.

The vinegar diet is recorded in the biography of Lord Byron. The poet really wanted to lose weight and have a noble posture, so he gave up meat and exercised. At that time, however, rosy cheeks were not fashionable, and Byron could in no way become a pale intelligent.

So he began to soak every food in vinegar and drank it regularly, diluted with a little water. According to doctors at the time, vinegar broke down fat.

Byron not only turned pale, but even died suddenly at the age of 36. The autopsy showed that his internal organs had been completely destroyed.

The craziest diets of the past
The craziest diets of the past

The vinegar diet became popular in the United States in the 1970s. Before eating, you had to drink a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to kill your appetite. However, such an effect can be achieved with a glass of water tested before a meal.

In the early twentieth century, the diet of Dr. Horace Fletcher became popular. He claimed to have lost 18 kilograms just by chewing food.

According to Fletcher, each bite should be chewed at least thirty times, whether it is meat or cream. The chewing diet became very popular, its fans became writers and millionaires.

In 1934, the most delicious banana diet was developed in the United States. The strange thing is that one should not eat anything but bananas. Bananas were allowed to be supplemented with unlimited amounts of cream.

No one lost weight with this diet, and in the end it turned out that it was actually a hidden advertisement of a banana import company. An even stranger diet is alcohol.

It was invented more than ten centuries ago by King William the Conqueror of England. The king could not ride a horse because every animal collapsed under its weight.

Then he decided to give up food forever and replaced it with beer and wine. He eventually managed to get on a horse, but fell off it and died from his injuries.

The worst diet, however, is the explosive one. In the twentieth century, American doctors found a sharp weight loss in workers who worked with explosives.

Doctors have found that this is due to dinitroferol, which speeds up metabolism and melts fat. In the United States, diet pills containing dinitroferol were invented, but after several deaths, their production was stopped.

So be careful with diets!
