Nutrition To Calm The Nerves

Nutrition To Calm The Nerves
Nutrition To Calm The Nerves

In nervous conditions, the way of eating also has an influence. To improve the condition of the body, which is broken by nervous exhaustion, as well as for prophylactic purposes, a certain diet must be followed.

The general rules of this diet are determined by the need to reduce the load on the nervous system by limiting the use in the diet of fats and carbohydrates, salt and products that excite the nervous system.

This primarily applies to alcohol and coffee, fried and spicy foods. The food should increase the products that have a positive effect on the nervous system and are rich in phosphorus salts - dairy products, legumes, liver.

It is very important to increase the daily intake of vitamins and especially vitamin B. The main sources of vitamins are raw vegetables and fruits, greens, rosehip tea.

The following products should be completely excluded from the diet: puff pastry, fresh bread, canned food, fatty meats and salamis, semi-finished products, fried or hard-boiled eggs.

Of the vegetables not recommended: turnips, cucumbers, radishes, onions and garlic. Do not consume chocolate, spicy sauces, hot red pepper, horseradish, mustard, caviar, fried and salted fish, animal fats, including lard.

Give up some drinks: alcohol, coffee and strong black tea. Despite the banned products, there is still a large selection of ones that you can use for healthy eating against nerves.

Nutrition to calm the nerves
Nutrition to calm the nerves

These include: dietary breads, lean meat - chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, lean fish, seafood, dairy products, low-fat cheese, eggs - only soft, oil.

Of the vegetables, beets, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes are recommended. You can safely consume fresh and dried fruits, candies, honey, herbal teas, vegetable and fruit juices.

For breakfast, eat low-calorie food - soft-boiled egg and a glass of juice. Eat fruit during the second breakfast. Lunch should be the most caloric - soup, mashed meat, salad, tea or juice.

For afternoon breakfast, eat dairy products - low-fat milk, yogurt or cream. Diversify your dinner with a vegetable dish and meat. A glass of milk is recommended before bedtime.
