What Are The Symptoms Of Systemic Overeating?

What Are The Symptoms Of Systemic Overeating?
What Are The Symptoms Of Systemic Overeating?

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At what stage does a person's passion for certain foods and his unsatisfied appetite become a problem? Increasingly recognized as a form of addiction, the effects of overeating are affecting more people than you ever thought possible.

Can we really get addicted to certain foods? The answer is YES. The principle is the same as some addicted to nicotine in cigarettes. People who overeat are psychologically dependent on food.

What are the symptoms of systemic overeating?
What are the symptoms of systemic overeating?

The truth about addiction is obscured by some common misconceptions. The most important thing to know is that overeating is not a temporary whim.

Medical research shows that for some people, food acts as a drug for the brain, releasing substances that mimic endorphins - the body's natural painkillers.

Unhealthy eating can also result from mental trauma or depression. The calmness or euphoria felt by sufferers when they eat too much is often responsible for eliminating guilt or depression. This in turn causes future overeating, leading to a conscious or unconscious desire to feel better.

Warning signals

According to American scientists, men and women are equally prone to food addiction. The time in which this can develop is in the teenage years to about the 20th anniversary.

What are the symptoms? People who have problems with overeating spend too much time thinking about food, often secretly planning or imagining how they will eat on their own. This leads to frequent feasts, uncontrolled eating, even when there is no hunger, fast consumption of the food served, and in private, in order to avoid the inconvenience of others.

Warning signals in this regard can be emotional problems such as depression and frequent mood swings, combined with guilt and low self-esteem.
