Carving Turns Food Into Art

Carving Turns Food Into Art
Carving Turns Food Into Art

If you're one of those people who mostly likes to eat food instead of cooking it, you've hardly heard the term carving. However, every master chef in the world knows very well what is behind this word.

Carving is an art, a teaching that turns ordinary and otherwise boring food into masterpieces. According to the laws of this culinary trend, all sorts of figures, animals, flowers, etc. can appear in your plate.

Carving, as the art of beautiful food has ancient Asian roots. Centuries ago, chefs in Thailand began modeling food in an effort to make it more attractive and appetizing.

In the spirit of this special culinary technique, they carved exquisite shapes into fruits and vegetables or arranged food in an intriguing way. The main purpose of this was what was on the plate to please not only the stomach but also the eyes.

Carving turns food into art
Carving turns food into art

In ancient Asia, carving was traditionally passed down only to female cooks. Nowadays, the dimension of this art with food is widely spread and practiced both by ordinary housewives, passionate about cooking, and by the best chefs in the best restaurants in the world.

The Asian roots of carving are the reason why today in Thailand and Japan this culinary technique is considered something completely normal, common and even mandatory. Almost everywhere in these Asian countries, carving is invariably present in the presentation of the food itself. In this way, an ordinary dinner out with friends can become a real cooking show and bring extra mood.

There are no restrictions on the products that can be used When following the spirit of carving, there are absolutely no restrictions on the products that can be used. It all depends on the imagination and abilities of the chef


Among the most commonly used products are large oval fruits, such as watermelon, melon and pumpkin, because their size allows the scope of imagination. They are quite large and therefore easy to operate, as a result of which they can be obtained diverse and extremely beautiful designs.

No special preparation or certain cooking utensils are required to try to decorate in a carving style. If you have the desire and, of course, patience, you can learn to create works of art from just one watermelon and a small, sharp knife.

Start with something easy, such as cherry tomato ladybugs. For this you need a few small tomatoes, olives and pepper. Tomatoes are cut in half, olives are formed into heads, and black peppercorns are used as dots.
