Drugs In Food - Where?

Drugs In Food - Where?
Drugs In Food - Where?

The next time you hear someone exalt Chinese food and the innovative business practices of this type of restaurant, first think of the article you are about to read.

Less than a year ago, the International Business Times published an extremely disturbing report claiming that at least 35 restaurants in China had been discovered for adding opiates to their food. All these restaurants are located in the capital, but does this mean that something like this can only happen there, or rather the authorities were only looking for this place. This is not the first case of such an attack on food in China. In 2004, 215 restaurants were reported to add opiates to soup and stewed meat and potato dishes.

The purpose of illegal action is for a person's body to quickly and easily become addicted to a given food without knowing why he eats the same thing so often. In addition to the type of food, however, you are imperceptibly, even though you are not aware of this thing, addicted to the drug itself, and this can lead to extremely worrying consequences in the future.

According to the official news agency, injected morphine, codeine and other highly addictive drugs were found in various dishes from noodles to lobster and stewed dishes.

In general, food controls in China are extremely low, and it is important that such news be disseminated and mentioned more often to prevent it from happening again in other parts of the world.

rice with noodles
rice with noodles

When food is studied there, it often contains heavy metals and various types of contaminants; in 2008, more than 300,000 children were poisoned by milk high in melamine; During such inspections, rat meat was found in many places, which was processed by special techniques and sold for lamb.

There are countless cases of improperly selected or prepared food in China, so you better look carefully in your bowl in the hope that things will be better here.
