Aromatic Mint: What Dishes Can We Taste With It?

Aromatic Mint: What Dishes Can We Taste With It?
Aromatic Mint: What Dishes Can We Taste With It?

For thousands of years, mint has retained its nutritional value for humanity. It began to be cultivated about 250 years ago, when in addition to nutritional, its healing properties were fully appreciated.

Mint is an annual herbaceous plant, whose fragrant leaves are widely used in cooking around the world. They give the dishes both a typical spice aroma and taste. It is added to salads, cheeses, soups, fish and vegetable dishes, as well as in pasta.

Mint leaves are added to dishes both fresh and dried. They are also found frozen. For drying, they are collected shortly before the flowering of the herb, as during this period they contain the largest amount of essential oils.

Harvesting is done by cutting the stems to the ground, washing them well and placing them in a shady and ventilated place, preferably on shelves, for faster drying.

Due to its strong aroma and fragrance, mint combines well with ingredients similar to its intensity. It is a preferred addition to lamb and seafood dishes. It is also added to confectionery - pastries, biscuits, cakes, and goes best with chocolate. Harmonizes with all fruits. It is often added as a finishing touch in drinks, to which it gives a refreshing and toning shade. Its tea has the same beneficial effect.

Mint fully develops its composition in combination with other aromatic herbs in the preparation of peas, beans, fresh vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Aromatic mint: What dishes can we taste with it?
Aromatic mint: What dishes can we taste with it?

Despite its various uses, mint is rarely used in traditional European dishes. And even if added, the taste comes from mint rather than ordinary mint.

However, in recent years its popularity is growing, in line with the growing desire of mankind to try new and new flavors and ingredients.
