The First Ice Cream Is Mixed For Nero

The First Ice Cream Is Mixed For Nero
The First Ice Cream Is Mixed For Nero

The dates of many culinary discoveries are vaguely known, and their inventors will forever remain a mystery to modern lovers of delicious food. New products and dishes have emerged as a result of geographical and scientific discoveries and technical innovations.

For example, ice cream has appeared in different places and at different times. In 62 BC, ice cream made from ice and juices was first made for Emperor Nero in ancient Rome.

In the 600th year in China, milk was added to these ingredients. And modern ice cream was first made in 1769 in France. Waffle cones with ice cream appeared in 1904 in the United States.

About ten thousand years before our era, bread appeared, followed by beer. However, bottled beer did not appear until 1568. Six thousand years before the new era, cheese and cottage cheese appeared, and three thousand years before the new era, people learned to cook soup.

Tea was first drunk around 2730 BC. In the year 1500 BC, the consumption of chocolate began. But the bar of chocolate did not appear until 1849, and milk chocolate - in 1875.


In 1200 BC, candies were made for the first time, and their modern form was brought only in the nineteenth century. About four hundred years before the new era, the first pasta was prepared, and the first recipe for pasta with yellow cheese was written in 1367. In 1819, spaghetti was invented.

In the 200th year before the new era, the cultivation of potatoes and asparagus began. In the first century of the new era, the great-great-grandmother of pizza was prepared, and a century later - the first sushi.

Sandwiches appeared in the thirteenth century, and pancakes in the fifteenth. In 1411 the recipe for the famous Roquefort cheese was created, and in 1554 the recipe for Camembert cheese was discovered.

In 1495, marmalade came to the fore, and in 1610 - pretzels. Ketchup appeared in the seventeenth century, and in 1876 began mass production.

In 1756 the can was invented, and in 1798 - lemonade. In 1835 it was sold in bottles. In 1845, jelly was invented, and in 1848 - chewing gum.

In 1853 the first version of chips appeared, in 1870 - margarine. In 1924, frozen products and the first semi-finished products were introduced, which changed cooking.
