Only Negatives About The Atkins Diet

Only Negatives About The Atkins Diet
Only Negatives About The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet, which caused a stir alongside many Hollywood celebrities, became a hit for a short time, but was soon criticized. Experts from all over the world have alerted about the many harms that come with following the Atkins diet - stupidity and what else is not indicated as total harm to fans of the famous nutritionist.

It is now clear that the Atkins diet and other similar low-carb diets increase the risk of a number of diseases. That is why the coalition "Partnership for Complete Nutrition" was the first to complain. This organization unites 11 leading public organizations in the United States, which deal with the protection of consumer rights, the problems of healthy eating and health care in general.

One of the main goals of the coalition is to better inform the public about the dangers of unbalanced nutrition. In the specific case that the reduction of carbohydrates in the daily menu can lead to serious disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Only negatives about the Atkins diet
Only negatives about the Atkins diet

Many of the side effects that come with the Atkins regimen and low-carb diets can worsen health - serious stomach upsets, nausea, headaches, fatigue. On top of that, the results of detailed research show that the effect of such diets is only temporary.

Immediately after their termination, the weight is quickly restored. Despite numerous criticisms from specialized organizations and experts, the Atkins diet continues to be widely popular. In the United States, confectionery manufacturers even see a danger to their business.
