The Harm From Cooking Or What Is Food Leukocytosis

The Harm From Cooking Or What Is Food Leukocytosis
The Harm From Cooking Or What Is Food Leukocytosis

Some time ago, scientists traced a phenomenon in the human body that always appeared when eating food. As soon as the man began to eat, his blood was saturated with leukocytes, a process that proceeds identically when we are sick or infected with a virus. Scientists have called this process food leukocytosis.

At first, doctors thought that this process was normal and should occur whenever a person eats. However, more in-depth analyzes show that the blood is not saturated with leukocytes when raw plant foods are consumed.

Our body reacts as it would a virus or foreign body when we eat cooked food - as if it were something harmful and unknown. The human body responds with a powerful attack of leukocytes to fight the "unknown" and because "white blood cells" help enzymes to move to the digestive system and help digest cooked food.

Harm from cooking
Harm from cooking

According to some claims, this process severely depletes the immune system and significantly stresses the whole body. We annoy our body even more when we overeat with cooked food.

If you ever feel sleepy when you eat a casserole, accompanied by 3 slices of bread or a solid portion of pasta and bolognese sauce or 5 types of cheese? This is the normal reaction of the body, which begins to make incredible efforts in the decomposition of all substances modified by high temperature.

Even the most exquisite dish is harmful to our body if cooked above 90 degrees. The critical temperature for individual foods is different, but varies around 90 degrees - above this temperature, foods become even carcinogenic.

The situation worsens when we fry or bake in fat. In this species cooking The toxin acrylamide is formed, which is the cause of almost all inflammatory processes in our body.

Harmful eating
Harmful eating

Therefore, when we are sick, it would not be right to eat anything that has undergone heat treatment, because this makes it even more difficult and slows down the healing process. In these moments, focus on fresh juices and fruits rich in vitamin C.

In people who consume raw products or food that is prepared on the principles of raw food, there is no food leukocytosis. Therefore, proponents of this thesis argue that at least 70% of our menu should consist of raw food.

It is good to always start with a fresh salad before lunch or dinner. In this way we prepare our body for digestion, import a certain amount of enzymes (which are contained in raw vegetables) and thus prevent leukocytosis or at least reduce its degree.

Raw food
Raw food

According to some scientists, enzyme deficiency and daily consumption of cooked food leads to chronic fatigue, rapid aging, apathy, decreased immune system, overall health imbalance. They also point to it as one of the main causes of almost all diseases. Most people would find it extremely difficult to give up cooked food, but if they try to reduce its consumption by at least 20%, it would significantly improve their health.

Here's how we can reduce the effect of dietary leukocytosis:

- Our menu must contain at least 70% fresh fruits and vegetables;

- Lunch or dinner must start with a fresh salad and breakfast - with fresh fruit;

- It would be good to take an extra dose of food enzymes while eating (you can get them from the market);

- To add sprouts to our daily menu more often;

- In case we are not raw foodists, we can impose such a diet at least one week a month. In this way we will strengthen our body, purify it and give it the opportunity to restore its enzyme reserves.
